Anyone hoping for natural 2nd time after medicated 1st time?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2009
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Just curious?

My first labour was over-medicated (morphine caused baby's heart rate to drop dramatically, epidural caused an inability to push and nearly ended in emergency C section with shoulder dystocia).

I want to do things naturally the 2nd time around but I wasn't able to cope with the pain. Any advice, books? I have read Ina Mays... I read it before I had my first :cry:
Have you thought of hiring a doula? This could make a huge difference to your birth experience!

Having a doula has been proven to lessen the need for pain relief as with the support and reassurance they provide help you feel more relaxed and confident!

look at

I was hoping for natural this time but ended up with C-section due to fetal distress+failure to progress.
I'd like to know what was going on that caused the fetal distress, but probably never will. I hope I can do it next time, but after a certain point it's up to what's going on with the baby. I managed without pain relief (gas and air did nothing for me) until they put in my spinal for the C-section. However I only got to 5cm, so who knows if I could handle it.
I found the pain was worse for me after I got stuck to the bed. Being mobile had really helped.
I had demoral with my first and did it naturally with my second so it can be done...

Here's a link to a previous post about dealing with the pain in childbirth if you have not yet read it...

Where abouts in the country do you live? Is midwifery an option for you? Midwives tend to offer excellent labour support and alot of their clients do well to go on to have natural births. Doula's are a good option as well. but can cost $500 or more though some offer their services on sliding scales. Labour support is very very very very very beneficial!!!

As for books I recommend
"birthing from within"
"the birth partner"
"the bradley method"
I was hoping for natural this time but ended up with C-section due to fetal distress+failure to progress.
I'd like to know what was going on that caused the fetal distress, but probably never will. I hope I can do it next time, but after a certain point it's up to what's going on with the baby. I managed without pain relief (gas and air did nothing for me) until they put in my spinal for the C-section. However I only got to 5cm, so who knows if I could handle it.
I found the pain was worse for me after I got stuck to the bed. Being mobile had really helped.

5cms is half way though sweets do you did really well!!! being mobile def helps, i dont think we are ment to labour stuck on a bed
Me too :flower:

I was induced for my first labour and didnt really know what to expect so after a wander round the hospital and a sit on the exercise ball I basically just sat excitedly and waited and waited handleing the pains and 18hours later they broke my waters and the real pain came!! I managed this for a futher 4 hours I was dilating but slowly and rather tired by this point so I agreed to having an epidural that really slowed things down! They upped the drugs to try and hurry things up!

Then afetr 27hrs the pushing began but because I couldnt feel much apart from a bit of pressure when they told me to push into my bottom thats what I did, I pushed and pushed with all I had for 2 hours and eventually my beautiful daughter arrived! But because I couldnt feel anything and didnt know when my body needed a break the tearing was unbelieveable and because of this I heameraged, after a midwife and supervisor tried they had to then get a surgeon to try and fix before I needed a blood transfusion!

Since then my friend and 2 cousins have all gone through the same thing after having an epidural!

I am hoping this time I can be a bit more prepared and hopefully if I go into labour naturally this will be different!
I have again booked onto the birth centre just incase :bodyb: because I think being able to use the pool to relax and almost sooth, soft lighting and music there is a better chance of making it through I hope I hope I hope :dance: Even if I do have to be induced im goingto take it in my stride and do my best!

Good luck with yours and I hope it turns out the way you want. :hugs:
I lasted 12 hours,got to about 7 cm with no pain relief,then tried g&a and HATED it then had a epi,but had it wear off for the oushing stage,i wanted o feel my baby coming into the world,,
I spent alot of those 12 hours in the bath,breathing through the contractions so am hoping to do the same again,the warm water really really helped :)
xx xx
I have never had the epidural but in my first two labors had pethadine. I remember that it made me tired but didn't help with the pain what so ever. So on baby no. 3 i went drug free. I didn't plan for it or give it any thought, i just knew the peth didn't work. When in labor i kept the lower half of my body really relaxed so as to not work against the contractions. i kept telling myself that each contraction was productive and working to open. Trying to view the contractions as positive was good and i hated them but wasn't stressing out or fighting them. The baby was born in one hour (but he was my third so that might of helped). I'm having my 4th this year and i'm not scared of labor. i know i can do it. I know i dont need the drugs and i will do exactly what i did last time.
My first birth was a less than desirable experience. By the time I got to the hospital, I was 6cm dilated, and they STILL broke my water and started Pitocin within an hour of me being there. My son wasn't getting enough oxygen, because the Pitocin-induced contractions were so intense, so I almost had to have a c-section. I didn't have any pain relief until I was at 9cm, so I couldn't feel to properly push the baby out. They had to use the vacuum to assist. I just couldn't believe they were in such a hurry. It was like they wanted me out of that delivery room asap. I thought I was doing just fine on my own. The amount of time from the arrival at the hospital to the birth was only 3 1/2 hours.
I would like things much different for my second birth. I'd prefer a home birth, but I can't find a midwife in my area. I think birth should feel empowering and magical. Instead, I was made to believe that my body didn't know how to birth a baby. It was just a terrible experience.
I am. I ended up with an induction with DS due to my back waters breaking and my contractions not progressing labour. After 30+hrs of contractions, dilating only 2cm and not sleeping I had pethadine so I could try and get some sleep. After 48hrs and still no progress they broke my waters, realised he had released meconium in me and got me on a drip. I had a consultant come in and tell me that if he hadn't made an appearance an hour after his visit (just before 12pm) They would have to do a c-section, thankfully he got held up and 1hr 10mins after he came in I had given birth to DS. This time I have opted for a home birth using Natal Hypnotherapy, my DS birth was nothing like I wanted and seemed to go completely out of my control. This time I want to be in control and feel like that'll happen at home

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