So heres my story, I knew I had PCOS 5 years ago but it didnt bother me until the time came for me and my husband to start a family. A year and a half ago I came off the pill and the dr put me on metformin. I thought id be pregnant in no time... but no...
My cycle ranged from 3-4 months even with the metformin so how was this ever going to happen?! With only 3 or four chances in the year I knew the chances were slim..
I saw a specialist at the hospital who said I wasnt even ovulating and needed to lose weight. I started on a GI diet in December, and by the beginning of this month I had gone from 15 stone 3 to 12.13! I was also using Agnus Castus for the first half of my cycles to make me more regular and my cycles went to 32-40 days so a big improvement!
As we had been trying for over a year the dr suggested my husband get tested.
We went to get the results together and it wasnt good. We were told his sperm count was 5 million which was ok, and his motility was 50% which was ok, but the number of correctly shaped sperm was 9% which was a big problem. Then we were told that any treatment such as Clomid or IUI would be useless because the sperm just werent the right shape to break the egg.
It was like a kick in the stomach, so both of us had fertility problems. We did some maths and worked out that about 5 sperm could make it to the egg, out of 5 million... that was like a one in a million chance...
Then, two weeks later I had a bladder infection and BAM... Im pregnant
Turns out I had been pregnant when we had got the results. As far as Im aware I have only ovulated once since trying and with all of our problems it has happened. I am 6 weeks now and due in November. I am worried about what could happen, especially since PCOS sufferers are more prone to miscarriage but thought people should hear my story. My little embryo truly is a miracle.
Good luck to everyone trying, I know how hard it can be x