Hi there I'm Amy me and my DH have been ttc baby number 2 for well and truly over a year now. Would love to know if anyone is finding it much harder to conceive the second time round?
I really thought second time would be eaiser do you find it more upsetting because you want a sibling for you first child? I hate the fact that the age gap is getting bigger and bigger
I hope it is our turn next ladies
hello ladies, we are now on our 4th month ttc baby #2. its been difficult for us due to being on the implanon bc for 3yrs and just had it removed 4 months ago so now im just trying to stay positive and i dont think i will do any charting seems like all it does is add more stress... good luck to yall hope you all get your AND to you
I'm TTC no2 - have just been half trying the past 4/5 months but starting properly this month (using the CBFM). It took me 34+ month to conceive no1 so I'm worried no2 will be just as long - and the old biological clock is tick, tick, ticking
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