Anyone on here bf a 2year +


Jul 1, 2011
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How is it going and you planning on weaning anytime soon or just waiting for LO to stop?

Tbh I really want to stop and not a fan of bf anymore, however my son is still obsessed and doesn't seem to be stopping soon!

Everyone around me thinks I'm crazy and OH sometimes calls it disgusting!

The most difficult part for me is the fact my son won't sleep without boob if I'm around and wakes too much, one night I was out late so OH put him to sleep and he slept through till 5/6am for the first time ever!!!

Once before I tried to put him to sleep without it and he slept but I woke up in the middle of the night and found him in bed with me latched on :dohh:

Just want to know your experiences with extended breast feeding x
Yes I am, bf my daughter long after 2 years too, but I am happy to let them self wean, if you're not wanting to continue really it's best to gradually reduce feedings so it's an easier transition for your son. Sometimes I will say to my son that "I've run out of milk" if he is being a bit too demanding, especially as I'm pregnant now. He doesn't like it but he accepts it and we move on. Hope that might help :)
I'm still bf my little girl. She turned 3 last month and is a total boobie milk monster!

I have considered weaning her but I'm not sure if it would work as I'm also feeding her little brother and he's only 6 months. I'm not sure she'd understand why he can have mummy milk and she can't lol

The only real issue I have, is she has to nurse to sleep if I'm around. If she wakes in the night she'll ask to nurse but unless she's been poorly or had a particularly bad day she's told to wait till breakfast time - doesn't tend to go down to well!

If I'm not around she's not bothered in the slightest by not having milk - go figure!

Funny creatures are kids :)

It actually makes me feel better finding people who are breast feeding beyond 2 years, in real life I feel alone and sometimes made to feel like a freak!

Well my son doesn't nurse during the day, I cut that down however he feeds for day time naps so I guess that is day time feeding, also sooo much just to go to sleep
No one I know even bf's let alone extended bf so I know it can feel isolating but just know you are doing the right thing for you and your family, don't give a stuff about what anyone else thinks or says, it's no one else's business :thumbup:
Me! Still breastfeeding a 25 month old and she's as boob-obsessed as ever. She won't sleep without boob either. I don't feed her to sleep at bedtime but she'll have a feed and then lie next to me and fall asleep, but I do feed her back to sleep when she wakes in the night. I'm planning to just let her self wean as that is the easiest way and I can't bear to imagine how heartbroken she would be if I attempted to wean her before she was ready. I hope that she will cut down but it seems like such a comfort thing for her!
I'm tandem feeding my newborn and 27mo. We co-sleep, but she sleeps through and doesn't wake to nurse. She nurses 2-3x a day at the moment. Most of my friends BF past 2 so I don't find it weird, but my family definitely would if they knew. But BF is still a relationship and both parties have to be happy with continuing. If I wasn't feeling good about nursing anymore I would probably look at gentle weaning methods.

ETA: Oops - she's actually 29mo!
We just got to 2 years and I have started refusing feeds. That said, she still nurses 3-4 times per day. She's a major comfort nurser and wants to nurse while she's doing other things. If I still nursed on demand she'd still be nursing probably 10 times a day! It just got to the point of being too much.

I hope to have her down to a morning feed and a night feed within the next few months and then let her self-wean from there.

Everyone was pretty supportive of me feeding her past 1, but now that I'm feeding past 2 I can tell most people think it's strange. DH is okay with it but not thrilled, I think his parents are uncomfortable with it which probably plays on his mind a bit.
We're at 21 months but planning on keeping on after she turns 2. There's no way we couldn't, she still feeds like crazy all day so is no where near being weaned lol. She feeds to sleep for naps and bedtime, we bed share and she stirs 3-4 times during the night for feeding, and then during the day she usually comfort feeds anywhere from 2-6 times throughout the day, depending on how she's feeling and what's going on. When she wants to feed and I just am too busy or in company with people I would rather not pop a boob out in front of and have to deal with awkwardness on their behalf (no awkwardness on my side, I don't care anymore lol), I try to redirect her by pointing out her juice cup so she can drink that instead.
Thanks good Bev

How are you and holly?

We are both great thanks. Left Holly with my parents for the first time today since she was 5 months old and she did so well! Had a lovely meal with DH :)

Hope you and your LO are both well :)
My youngest is 2 years 9 months and still feeds twice a day, usually. After she turned 2, I did night wean her and that helped a lot as she started sleeping through. After 4 years of being woken every few hours (she has an older sister), I didn't feel too selfish about wanting a proper sleep! I did wait until 2 as I didn't want to risk night weaning bringing about full weaning and I really wanted to meet the WHO guideline of 2 years.

I think if I hadn't night weaned her, I would probably be less patient with feeding her in the day and it hasn't led to any reduction in day feeds so it worked out well for us.

I plan to let her self-wean (not sure if it'd really count as that as I have night weaned her!), I have no idea how long it'll be. She sometimes forgets to ask in the morning but rarely goes to sleep without at night. She can but she doesn't want to so I'm happy to carry on.
My son is 19 months but I am pretty sure I will keep going until he's 2. Maybe a bit beyond. Anyone who says it's disgusting is just projecting their sexual assocations with breasts onto an innocent child.

Also, it's not "extended" breastfeeding, it's "full-term" breastfeeding. :)

I'm not personally comfortable letting my son self-wean, but I am so quick to jump to the defense of anyone who does. Don't let anyone put you down for it.
My second youngest was like that but at 34 months he cut down to BF once every few days and then stopped saying he was too big for it now. He goes to sleep by himself now no problem xx

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