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Anyone on their third baby? Looking for tips...


Love my princess & prince
Aug 13, 2011
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I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant with my third, so early days. I have a 4 year old dd and a 2 year old ds with additional needs. My dh works long hours so just looking for tips, advice or maybe just a simple "don't worry, you can do this!" :haha:
Stalking as we are hopefully going to try for a third baby later in the year.

But yeah you can definitely do this. Congratulations!

I have a 4 year old, two year old and four month old. The last four months have been challenging, I can't deny, but I think a lot of it has to do with your kids personnalities. My four year old is mature and listens well but my two year old is a handful, often vies for my attention and adding a baby to the mix makes me feel like I never have enough hands and I am never able to split my attention the way I'd like. Going from one to two was a breeze but adding a third has been a huge transition for me!

On the upside, you are at your most confidant with your third so as far as taking care of baby I'd say that is the easiest part of my day :)
Organisation! And patience.

My girls were 4 and 6 when Freya came along. My OH works nightshift as a retail manager so it's often just me and the kids. Lots of organisation helped me. And breastfeeding. I cannot express how much hassle and time it has saved me and allowed me to get on with other things.
I found my 3rd needed a adjustment period but after a few weeks I was ok. My best advice is to accept baby has its own routine. Trying to make J confirm to ours just stressed me out.

Ive just had my 4th!
My situation is a little different from yours. My OH also works very long hours. I'm a stay at home parent and homemaker. You didn't mention that of yourself, but with those long breastfeeding milestones, I don't see how you could work outside of the home and manage that. Wow! I tried and started to dry right up!

Anyway, when I had my third-born, my others were 2 years old and 11 months old. So having two babies was the real kicker, and my 11-month-old wasn't walking yet and was still nursing. Besides that, the early days were just the same as any other time. A focus on breastfeeding, heating up lots of freezer meals I would put together twice a month. Lots of time spent reading and snuggling with my kids. An absolutely filthy house for a few months. Haha. This might be similar to your situation depending on how many additional needs your 2-year-old has. I'm not sure! :)

When I had my fourth, my oldest had just turned 4, so my others were 2.5 and 1.5. This is closer to your age group. It was a ton easier, too. I had already been through the "I'm out of hands!" Phase that I went through when my third was born, which really wasn't a difficult adjustment. My 2 and 4 year olds understood better about what was going on. My oldest was a huge help, and all of my kids love babies and siblings and want lots of both, so there's none of the problems associated with when some kids don't want little siblings or get worried about losing their status, if you know what I mean. I had it easy. My baby still nursed a lot in those first few months. I was running in little sleep. I think every newborn stage has been very similar. But having kids who were old enough to fetch a diaper or hold their little siblings' hands when we went out was a wonderful asset.

You can do it. It's okay. It's not scary. It shouldn't intimidate you. You'll lose your mind, but you'll get it back when your kids are grown. I think. I haven't gotten there yet. ;) The biggest issue is leaving the house. When I took two kids grocery shopping, they'd run off in two different directions to go look at stuff. Now, I have three who are easily distracted and will rub off in three different directions. I do bribe the kids with candy when we go shopping, we try to shop at places where I can put 2-3 kids in a cart (I wear my babies) and give them each a snack I've packed for them while I do my bi-weekly shopping. We still go out and do fun things. We are all very close. They are all very wonderful and usually very well behaved (unless I go grocery shopping close to nap time. That's when we have running off.)

I am thrilled for you. Congratulations! Having three is a game changer, but my third born is so completely awesome. I'm so thankful for her.
Be kind to yourself! Iv beat myself up mentally a few times not managing to get certain things done and then i remember they are all fed, in nursery & playgroup on time and have clothes washed and ready to wear.
I got annoyed at myself one day that a softplay trip hadnt gone to plan, and then i thought there is no need to go there just yet. Why make myself stressed when the kids are happy running around at the park or in the garden or even just in the house for now whilst i nurse and cuddle baby.
Some lifesavers for me - buggy board!! Has made me able to leave the house and get places easily enough. I really do think its my absolute best item.
Fun afternoon activities! I have a cupboard of fun things so the kids are entertained if i have to feed baby for a while - playdoh, motion sand, a few simple card games, pens and craft sets (none that are overly messy like paint) that way when were home from nursery i just pull one out and there entertained for a while.

Accept that you cant do everything for now, iv never gone a day in my adult life without make up but i have had to really change my make up routine to just foundation for now so i can get out the door for 8.30 and i dont love it but alot easier.

You will be just fine though, you will adapt. I laugh at an old post i put on here when i had only 1 baby and i asked hoe people manage to get out the door before lunchtime. Now i have them all ready and out the door for 8.30am you just adapt to it!
You've got this! I felt a bit nervous about having our 3rd as my 2nd was high needs, hard work and I was a little scarred by the transition from 1-2 :haha:. Luckily my 3rd was an easy baby, happy and easy going and a pretty good sleeper, so I didn't really find things harder. Also her arrival mellowed my 2nd child out a lot and her sleep (which was a big issue) took a total 180 and life now is easier than before number 3 arrived tbh.
I found that once I had 2 children I was used to splitting my focus and had got better at organizing myself and keeping my cool when things didn't go to plan (I really found having 2 children a world away from having 1), all skills which come in handy once you have a 3rd.
I've been told it'll be hard at first but it will get easier, DH works longish hours but you'll just get into a routine, going from one to two is such a big change that a third will probably slot in easily.
I found 2-3 much easier baby 2 was high needs and i was so scared to be having number 3 but he was an easy baby it is tough sometimes but I think any amount of children gets tough at tImes
Mine were almost 4 & 2 when baby 3 came along
There now 1 almost 3 & 5 x
Gosh I'm not sure if ye have me terrified or wanting more now !!lol..1-2 was aflame changer for me .id love no 3 but am scared !!!
Not going to lie.. It was difficult at first but it got easier. We learned what worked for us.. We have been making sure to get out on a walk, to the park or playing in the dirt.. Whatever it is, getting everyone outside even for a small amount of time really helps. Also a baby carrier.. I used a wrap when this one was tiny and something like an ergo is great when bigger. I still nurse with her in the carrier.. She can take a nap in one while we are at the park or whatever and it is great. Also, Give yourself a break especially when the new baby is there and everyone is adjusting to the new addition. Including you. If you need to turn the TV on just to be able to nurse baby in a little peace.. Do it. If you have moments of frustration or feeling overwhelmed, it's normal even for parents of 1 so don't expect to be perfect. If family or friends offers to help, don't be afraid to take it. You will eventually fall into a routine. I know in my head I plan what I'll do exactly when Aliya takes her first nap and then make sure we get outdoors before her second so she can play and then school runs mixed in. I'm tired by the end of the day but it is so worth it and the good moments outweigh the bad :) and I found it didn't take too long to feel that way.

Lastly - You can do this!! With each baby our inner super mom just comes out even more :)
I have definitely found 2-3 the hardest transition. I have a five year old with autism and a 3 year old who is just a naughty boy. Baby is good as gold but wakes a lot at night so it is tiring but we are programmed to cope arent we. It gets easier once you find a routine that suits all! Xx
I'm nearly 5 months into having three and to be honest some days I really find it a struggle. I think for me, a lot of it is to do with the close age gap between 2&3 (15 1/2 months) I find looking after the baby a doddle and my four year old is no problem other than the fact he's like my shadow and never stops talking! My eldest girl has just turned 20 months and she is so physically able and can get just about anywhere!she is also at the stage where she can understand everything you say but is not fully able to make herself understood as she doesn't have the vocabulary so gets really frustrated and throws tantrums. I know in another few months things will be a lot easier and I remind myself of that when I get stressed out. My eldest is September born too so just missed out on starting school this time so apart from 15 hours per week when he's at nursery they're at home with me. I try get out every day even just for an hour as if not I can go crazy. I am happy we had number 3 though and i know the close age gap will pay off eventually.

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