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Anyone taken evening primrose oil?


Dd- ciara and ds- James
Oct 15, 2011
Reaction score
I've read online that its safe to use primrose oil by inserting a capsule into your vagina, the oil is meant to soften the cervix? I'm at a point of my pregnancy now where I'm getting quite desperate for baby to come out and just wondered if anyone has done this themselves and if it actually helped them go into labour?
I took it orally from 36 weeks and then internally from 40 weeks with DD. She still came at 41w1d :(

I tried everything and NOTHING helped. I'm now firmly in the camp that baby will come when baby is ready. That or when you threaten them with an induction because labor started 4 hours before my induction was to start.

Other things I tried:
spicy food
clary sage oil bath
nip stimulation

Only thing I didn't have the guts to try was castor oil.
I took it orally from 36 weeks and then internally from 40 weeks with DD. She still came at 41w1d :(

I tried everything and NOTHING helped. I'm now firmly in the camp that baby will come when baby is ready. That or when you threaten them with an induction because labor started 4 hours before my induction was to start.

Other things I tried:
spicy food
clary sage oil bath
nip stimulation

Only thing I didn't have the guts to try was castor oil.

I've done all those too I'm my first pregnancy, interestingly clary sage caused contractions but they didn't last.

Castor oil however should not be used, I can cause distress to baby and cause them to poo causing mayconium in your waters and big risks for baby. I think it does work, it causes severe cramping and diahorea, which despite anything else cannot make for a pleasant labour experience lol.

I quite liked trying things though, kept me busy, lol, I don't think any really cause much to happen, but avoid castor oil.
Yeah my main reason for avoiding the castor oil was because I was afraid it would cause diarrhea, which if it then sent me into labor, having that with every push would have been my living nightmare.

So I decided I'd rather go a week overdue than have that awful scenario play out.
Yeah my main reason for avoiding the castor oil was because I was afraid it would cause diarrhea, which if it then sent me into labor, having that with every push would have been my living nightmare.

So I decided I'd rather go a week overdue than have that awful scenario play out.

Can't be a nice experience can it? :haha:

I went a week over with my first despite trying everything. Didn't do anything last time as had elective section at 37 weeks with my twins.

Despite the fact I don't think they work, I'll probably still try this time again :haha:
Like others I tried everything with dd. Luckily I went into labor myself and had her the day before I was set to be induced, but I tried a lot!

epo, rlt combo for the last few weeks
spicy food (and I can't even stand mild spice!)
nipple stimulation
walking along a curb (supposed to help because 1 foot goes higher than other while you walk)
talking nicely to the baby begging her to come out

I read that castor oil was bad for baby so I didn't try that, plus I definitely didn't want to spray poo all over my doctor while he was down below!

Nothing worked for me, but good luck! :)
Ahah! See? The only thing that works is threatening an induction! So schedule one and then hours before it you'll go into labor on your own!
Haha yeah I'm avoiding castor oil for the same reasons! It's the only thing I haven't tried and oh told me to buy some and I was like 'you do realise it gives you diarrhoea and that's not the look I'm going for when pushing out my baby' I'd much rather go well over and be induced then take castor oil lol

Thanks for your replies, think I might just leave it I get a sweep Monday so hopefully that works :)
I used it orally from 37 weeks then after sex one night I entered one vaginally and went into labor next morning at 38+6 so I think it works lol just three days before I was not soft or dialated or anywhere near labor. Two hours after those contractions started I went to hospitail and they said 5 cm!!

This time I'll do the same. I also drank raspberry leaf tea whose time doesn't induce but helps strengthen contractions.
With sex make sure you have an orgasm it brings on the contractions
If I were overdue, I'd certainly insert an EPO capsule several times a day. Just make sure you wear a pad to catch the excess, especially if you won't be laying down, because it will leak. It might help push you over the edge if your body is ready. Otherwise, I swear by it, and I do believe that it helps get your body prepped for labor. I start it at around 35 weeks, though, and my cervix has always been soft and ready at 38 weeks. But, at almost 41 weeks, your body should be much more ready than a body at 38 weeks would be, so it might work better for you. Won't hurt to try!

I also use raspberry leaf tea, which has been mentioned above, but it takes time for that to work, so don't waste your money this late on.
I also drank RLT multiple times a day starting at 32 weeks in addition to EPO (at 36 weeks) and still went 8 days over. At my 40w3d week appointment I was 1/2 cm dilated and 10% effaced. And my dates were 100% correct because I was charting when I got pregnant. So basically, I fully support trying all sorts of things to get baby out, but keep in mind that there is no true magic combination to get baby to come out, and they just will when they want to. If something worked for someone else on here, it's more likely that their body was already ready for labor and that one thing just nudged them into it.
My gf just had a baby and she swears by:
Walking briskly
Red raspberry leaf tea
If you have an electric breast pump that gently vibrates this can help too
I wish you a speedy labour!

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