You put one in after and it stops any swimmers leaking out. And because it traps them at the neck of your cervix it us supposed to increase the chances of a reaching the egg.
In our case my DH put his straight into the cup by hand and then I inserted the cup.
Good luck! I was really surprised at how easy they were to use. They looked huge, but they fitted where they were supposed to with no problems and I left them in for the full 12 hours and couldn't feel a thing. Easy to remove as well.
I've give these a chance before you resort to standing on your head and doing cartwheels!
I thought that they were just used for AF?
May sound silly but once you take it out, is there any sperm in it?
I would of thought that any sperm to come out (after laying down for as long as poss) would just be dead sperm, is this wrong?
They were designed for AF but a lot of people use them for TTC.
There didn't seem to be anything left in it when I took mine out. No idea about dead sperm leaking out though I'm afraid. We're using them because my DH can't ejeculate during intercourse so my TCC knowledge is very limited at times!!
It must help in your case then hun, it does sound like a good idea. I just wasnt sure about keeping all the sperm in as I though any that didnt make it up was dead.
Good luck and I hope you dont have long for a BFP!
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