Hey Everyone,
I had an HSG test done yesterday which revealed that both my tubes are blocked. Also seems I had an infection that would have caused it.
My tubes were clear a year ago & I under went 5 IUI treatments & loads of tests. I'm presuming I got my infection during one of those visits.
I've yet to meet with my RE to see what's next but I'm curious if anyone's had this problem, what the solution was & what the outcome was?
I"m so afraid I might be infertile now.
Hey Barbikins,
I've just come across a few of your posts and noticed you are in a similar situation to me. Long Story short, i requested a Lap to see what was going on inside as i had not conceived once since having my son who is just 13.
The Lap shown up that both of my tubes were clubbed at fimbriae end, both sides, basically both tubers were blocked at the ends where my ovaries are, which meant that's why i wasn't conceiving. Apparently This is very common in women my specialist told me, and is caused, like you said by an infection of some sort.
This was the Upsetting part! I was told nothing could be done about it, that i couldn't have surgery or nothing could be done
that my only option would be IVF. Here in the UK you can only get that on the NHS if you have no children, or in extreme special circumstances which i didn't fit into either, meaning a £6500 a go.
My specialist told me, my best option is to have my tubes removed to give me the best chance possible and prevent further problems.
I'm 29 i asked myself am hearing this correctly, Was i being told i would never conceive natually?? That i have to have IVF to have the baby we long to have, because my body wont do the natural thing it should. I was so distraught
I refused to listen to her, i demanded a second opinion!
4 Weeks later i got to she another specialist, This fertility specialist i had heard allot about. Meeting him and talking about the options yet agn, well they were different. He offered me surgery to try and fix my tube
this was different to what i was told. He did explain it was a procedure you cannot do by Lap, it had to be done by Laparotomy ( involving a large incision through the abdominal wall) bcos it was so delicate. He did warn me it was a massive Op and i'd be out of work for 8 weeks. He wasnt kidding ( Been 5 weeks Yesterday ) It was successful in opening them, hes cut them both and sutured both open, hes tested them and they are both working
Yes there are risks with this surgery, and yes they can close, but many people have conceived this way too.
My whole point here luv is, get a second opinion, just because these specialist tell us do this and do that, something as having your tubes removed because they are blocked its a big thing. I wanted to try this as a last thing, if it doesn't work in 12 Months we will do IVF under egg sharing.
Ivf is always pushed on couple nowadays because of cost and numbers. We should always try all the possible things first regardless of numbers of success to conceive without ivf. Any questions hun feel free to ask. Good Luck