"Are you sure she doesn't need milk?"



Nope! Not really! I have no choice in the matter though. Why do people think I wouldn't give Caitlyn milk if I could get her to have it? I didn't choose for her to refuse it.

I love when people sublty (sp?) throw into conversation what they've heard about toddlers needing toddler milk these days, and when I defend myself saying it hasn't always been around and she'll be fine, they say something like "yeah, and people died at 40!"

Jeez isn't that a nice way of putting it...crazy! While I can see why people think she needs it, she needs the fat for her brain development and calcium for her bones but you can get it to her in other forms besides milk

how silly, my lo dosnt have the toddler milk , just normal cows milk. even the dr and HV said its not worth it if they eat a good diet :) if she wasnt eating properly i would say sure get the toddler milk ( if she liked it that is) but dont worry as long as she is getting enough calcium, protein and fat :)
yogurt and cheese are great ( if sh eats those :) ) try greek yogurt, if you ahvnt already, its plain natural yogurt but is lovely and creamy :)
She eats loads. She's eaten cereal and 2 crumpets for breakfast. She's growing, slowly, but she's growing. She's so clever too. I'm not worried I just wish people would shut up :dohh:
Im sure shes doing fine without it,if she wanted milk she would have it.

Joshua loves his milk and im happy with that but hes slowly getting off of it.

Hun dont take any notice she is doing just fine without it.
full fat milk is really important. We dont really use toddler milks here alot. We have them (the formula toddler milks if thats what your refering too) but a balanced diet and a proper intake of full fat milk is necessary, the kids need the fat from 3-4% dairy products. She isnt going to die if she doesnt have it, but it does help to develope them properly.
lol do you tell them she's a genius?
from you previous posts sounds to me like you make up more than enough with other dairy because she wont have milk.... i dont see how that is wrong.... if she doesnt want it she doesnt want it..... if you where to take her to the drs they would only say dont force her.... i wouldnt let it bother you.... you no she has plenty of other stuff so there is no prob in my eyes not like it has any thing to do with me or any1 else.... you shouldnt have to defend your self xx
My son stopped all milk at 14mths. His choice but he still had full fat cheese and yogurts.

My nephew was BF until 11 months and refused bottles when my SIL tried to wean him. So he drinks milk from a cup, and he doesn't have bottles at all. Or sippy cups either. She gives him full fat cottage cheese and yogurt to make sure he's getting the good fats from it. So long as Caitlyn is getting calcium from other sources, then I don't see it being a big deal if she's not drinking milk?

If she wasn't wanting any other source of calcium either then I might be worried. Sounds like she's doing fine. :)
you sound like you know some really inappropriate people Ive thoguht a few things youve said that people have said to you have been out of order.

If she wont take the milk she wont take it, dont think its the end of the world at her age.

Tell people to keep their beaks out :p x
Inappropriate is right.

My Nan rang me to tell me her theories on why "Caitlyn isn't growing properly" :rolleyes:
Some kids are just destined to be petite. :confused: So long as she's growing steadily on her percentile then what does it matter?

My OH worked with a guy, and his daughter has always been bang on the 2nd percentile. She looks like a toddler until you speak to her and kind of get blown away (as she's 7 years old now). She's healthy and fine. People sometimes just like to have an opinion. If it wasn't her size I'm sure there would be something else that they'd be slagging on.

Claire was the opposite. She was always over the 100th percentile and I had people tell me I needed to put her on a diet. :shock: Right. A 7 month old on a diet??? Give me a break! Now that she's walking she's slimmed right down and she's fine. People need to back off your business and worry about their own.

Inappropriate is right.

My Nan rang me to tell me her theories on why "Caitlyn isn't growing properly" :rolleyes:

aww hugs hun.

all children grow at different rates.
if she was bigger people would be moaning that she was fat.
if shes happy, you should be too.
She was a right chubby monkey untill she was 6 months old, people used to tell me to stop feeding her so much but she slowly cut down herself. She was 16lb12oz at 4 months but she started crawling and was only 16lb14oz by 6 months. She was still breastfeeding then too.

She is so short now, but so are me and Rich... I don't know why people expect her to be a giant :lol: She's chubby-ish in the right places, and so active! I just don't always feel like she is getting all the right things because people make out that not having milk is the most terrible thing in the world. She's 18 and a half months! lol
Val drinks MAYBE one cup of milk a day and that's it. So I'm right there with you Toria. But I make sure and make her cereal with milk in it, she has two things of string cheese a day and some yogurt. So I know she's getting the recommended amount of dairy, but she just isn't a milk drinker. Once we stopped breastfeeding, she just never really got into cow's milk. She'll drink it every now and then, but I don't force it on her because you can't force an 18 month old to drink milk. Lol! So I wouldn't worry...cheese and yogurt are good dairy products and if Caitlyn likes those, then I'd say she's getting a good amount of dairy.

Don't worry...Val is tiny too. She's quite tall for her age, but just hit 21 lbs about a month or so ago. Our babies are just petite! :)
I need to get Caitlyn weighed but I'm not sure she has even hit 20lb yet.. :dohh:

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