well since i feel like ranting, heres a list of times hes said he will do something and not..
1. made me make a doc appt because he didnt believe it was too late to have an abortion, so he wanted to speak to my doctor. Told him it was a waste of time id made my mind up but made an appt anyways, He didnt make it and i rang him from the appt and he spoke to doc on the phone, he acctually asked how far i was like he didnt believe me, and asked why ''could i not just take the pill'' and ''could the doc not just wait for him to get there in 15 mins'' ... er its a doc appt not a bloody friendly meeting!
2. told me he would meet up to talk i think the week later, didnt show. text me never to speak to him again or try to contact him.
3.got back in touch at about 19weeks i think it was.. said would meet when i got back from canada on holiday.stayed in touch about 2 weeks then was silent for a further 3.
4. arranged to meet up, he didnt show.
5. told him i was leaving london in 3 weeks and had 2 weeks free house sitting for the boss and could meet him to chat then.... He arranges to meet/pop over twice, neither times he did.
6. arranged to meet but instead went out and got drunk, then text at 10pm to pop over then.. i had said yes at 6 but was by 10 going to bed. -bearing in mind it wasnt my house and i was working!
7. i left london, he said he would come up, he didnt get in touch for another few weeks
8. arranged for him to come up 4 weeks in advance, he then didnt get in touch after 3 weeks and of course, didnt come up.
9. the cot fiasco
10. said he would come up again, didnt.
11. said he would order the bouncer and a steriliser set - totaled about £80, he didnt. i used money i have saved for a flat deposit.
12. said he would re-imburse me and money in by today... its not.
i dont know if he will come up, he originally was talking about coming up for the birth (because i can really plan it eh) but has since realised he cant its too unpredictable, and that he will come up newyear/jan time. am i gonna hold my breath ??? no. by now i hope he doesnt come.
He said he will open a bank acc for her and save.. as opposed to maintenence. do i trust him to do this? hell no. (anyways found out he cant open her an acc, wud have to be my acc for her he pays into-least that way i could check he is!)