When I collected my 4 year old from school today his teacher asked me to make an appointment to see her. Clearly I was never going to leave without finding out what about and she said it's about his 'concentration and that he often seems to have 'ants in his pants' which I'm assuming she meant restless not itchy... Anyway I'm now panicking about ADHD and various things and was just wondering if anyone has had anything similar?
A bit of background in a small group setting or if it's something he's interested in he'll listen and concentrate very well (he got a new maths app from school recently and he sat for an hour or 2 happily going through the levels) but he can have a tendency to drift into his own thoughts at times. He plays well with other children although often follows their suggestions or if he doesn't want to do what they're doing he'll go and play by himself. I think academically he's doing ok he's learning his phonics and maths well. He's never been the best listener we got his hearing tested when he was 18months or so which was fine but it's not been tested since. If I ask him what he's done at school he'll ususally tell me he doesn't know or can't remember but if I ask more specific questions eg what was the story about at carpet time he can tell me. He can take it in turns fine and although clearly he doesn't love giving his toys to other people he can share ok.
Anyway just wondered if anyone had been in a similar situation and what the outcome was. I'm hoping they just want to talk about ways I can help with his concentration but it's always worrying when the teacher wants to talk to you...
A bit of background in a small group setting or if it's something he's interested in he'll listen and concentrate very well (he got a new maths app from school recently and he sat for an hour or 2 happily going through the levels) but he can have a tendency to drift into his own thoughts at times. He plays well with other children although often follows their suggestions or if he doesn't want to do what they're doing he'll go and play by himself. I think academically he's doing ok he's learning his phonics and maths well. He's never been the best listener we got his hearing tested when he was 18months or so which was fine but it's not been tested since. If I ask him what he's done at school he'll ususally tell me he doesn't know or can't remember but if I ask more specific questions eg what was the story about at carpet time he can tell me. He can take it in turns fine and although clearly he doesn't love giving his toys to other people he can share ok.
Anyway just wondered if anyone had been in a similar situation and what the outcome was. I'm hoping they just want to talk about ways I can help with his concentration but it's always worrying when the teacher wants to talk to you...