TTC 6th cycle now. I am 35 , hubby 44. He recently switched jobs and insurance doesn't kick in until 6 months. So now I have to cancel my first infertility appt and was thinking of trying at home checks as not to waste 6 months of precious time. Anyone try and compare these to actual doctor results?
Not sure what else to do
If you see a RE, you'll get the initial workup...Blook work - day-3 FSH, LH, estradiol, TSH, prolactin, amh, HSG; semen analysis.
The HSG, is uncomfortable/ painful (especially if there a blockage) and pricey, it was about 300, because I have a high deductible.
When I first saw my OB for the initial "why ain't I prego", she wanted to know if I was ovulating.
So something for sure you can do is to get the full version of FF and start tracking everything. BBT, Ovulation, CM, etc. It's a lot to track and will get frustrating, especially if you do all the tracking, pin point O, and the DH finds an excuse to no BD.
The good thing about tracking, is that it will give your RE or OB good insite into your history and ovulation pattern.
I would also do a cleanse just to clean things out (I didn't and if I am not prego this cycle, I will start a cleanse). Take your prenatal and track...
Oh...and save money. Even with insurance, it's going to cost a pretty penny if you end up getting the full array of tests.
Good Luck.