Atticus Roman Christopher born July 21st - dramatic birthplan change!


Cautiously pregnant #3
Sep 16, 2009
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After having a troublesome pregnancy blighted with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, placenta previa [which fortunately moved!] and a pre-term labour at 34w which was stopped! Atticus Roman Christopher made his appearance at 3:50am on July 21st 2011.

My due date was July 18th and with this being my 2nd child I was much calmer about going overdue and when my due date came I was still happy putting my feet up and enjoying my last days being pregnant knowing I would miss it when it was gone. The following day [July 19th] I had my routine consultant appt. and I was given a scan. Lying on the table seeing how big my "wee man" had become was amazing and she checked the measurements saying she was guestimating the weight between 7lb 14oz and 8lb 7oz which to me sounded about right considering my daughter was 7lb 10oz at birth. While scanning me she looked a little concerned and moved the scanner round a bit before asking what my birthplan was. I explained that I wanted a waterbirth as I'd had with my daughter and preferably with no other pain relief. She again looked back at the screen and pointed at the amniotic fluid explaining it was showing on the ultrasound that meconium had been passed and was now in the fluid. I asked her what it meant and she said that she wouldn't let me continue to carry him because of the risk and that I would be induced the following day and would no longer be able to have a waterbirth. I burst into tears on the table as I didn't imagine I would cope with being induced and not having pain relief. She offered me a sweep in the hope that I would go naturally before the following day and not need the induction. I was already 3cm but the cervix was still thick.

I was sent to DOU [day obstetric unit] for a CTG to see if there were other signs of distress in baby and was having regular contractions [because of the sweep] but nothing over exciting. The CTG showed that baby seemed to be fine and I was discharged and told to go home and take paracetamol and/or a bath to ease the contractions and if they hadn't stopped in 2 hours to return - because of the meconium in the fluid I was told my labour would need monitored constantly. I went to my best friend's house and we got dinner, I took paracetamol and had a bath and still the contractions were coming regularly but hadn't really intensified or got closer together. Eventually 4 hrs after being discharged I rang them back and explained the situation, I requested to stay at home as the contractions hadn't become any worse and was told I needed to return to be monitored.

I returned to the unit and was examined to be told I was stil 3cm but my cervix had completely effaced. The said I would need to be admitted even though I wasn't progressing quickly obviously things had changed and because I was due to be induced the following day they said there was no point in going home. I was taken up to the ward and left to rest. The following day the nurse came round and did a CTG saying that because I was still having contractions they might break my waters to get me progressing rather than wait to induce me with a pessary that afternoon. However when the Dr came round they suggested they I might progress on my own and hopefully I wouldn't need induced. I was advised to bounce on the ball and walk as much as possible to try and get things moving which I did but when I was examined at 6pm that evening [20th July] I was still only a stretchy 3cm so I was given the first pessary. I had a few more intense contractions but nothing exciting and was told that nothing would probably happen until I had the next pessary at 1am. At 10pm my fiance, Chris, was sent home and told that he would be called if there was any change. By 10:30 the contractions were becoming stronger but I was told I still wasn't in established labour but because of the pain caused by the induced contractions was given gas an air. I found it to be quite strange at first but did warm to the drunken feeling I got with it. When 1am [July 21st] rolled round and she came back to examine me and give me the pessary I was a stretchy 4cm and was in established labour so she didn't need to give me the 2nd pessary but because everything had moved so slowly she left me with the gas and air for company. At 3am I buzzed for the midwife to come back as I was feeling the urge to push, when she came she told me she was examining another lady and would be back shortly. When she returned at 3:15am and examined me she said I was only 5cm I explained that I was unable to control the urge to push and she said my waters were bulging and she would send me to delivery as if they were burst I would progress faster and to try not to push. I left the ward at 3:20am almost killing the midwives for taking my gas and air off me and she phoned Chris to tell him to come down. When I arrived upstairs in the delivery suite I was still pushing and pushed so hard that my waters broke, ahhh that felt good! There was meconium in the fluid and I was moved to another [clean!] bed to continue my labour and given my precious gas and air again!! They were using the doppler to monitor babies heart rate which was now dropping with contractions so they attached a monitor to his head. At 3:40am I started pushing properly with the contractions and Atticus was born 10 minutes later. I had wanted the cord to be left to pulse but because of the meconium they needed to assess him immediately and were unable to do it at the bedside. They also went to give me the injection to deliver the placenta, even though I'd expressly written in my birthplan that I didn't want/need it fortunately I was lucid enough to tell them not to!! They checked me over to see if I needed stitches and I only had a 1st degree cut on my right inner labia and some grazing so no further care was needed. Atticus was weighed and measured and I was shocked to hear that he was an impressive 9lb 7oz and 56cm long!!! Still a little high from the gas and air I started crying and telling the midwives how proud I was of myself for delivering him without further pain relief!!! As my labour had progressed much faster than anyone imagined Chris arrived at 4:10am to see his son for the first time and couldn't believe how much bigger than our daughter he is!!

I've found the whole experience a lot easier second time round and think the recovery has been easier and I'm a lot more confident.
Lovely birth story, so glad all went well even if not according to plan!!
He's gorgeous, congratulations xx
Thanks Kelz, hope you're feeling okay - you know you're in my thoughts and prayers x
Thankyou, means a lot, i am doing as well as i can!
Am glad it went well, Abbie had meconium too, its not nice being stuck on the bed attatched to monitors, sorry you didn't get the birth you wanted did get a very cute little boy though! xx
WHAT a chubber! How do you get anything done, I wouldn't be able to stop myself squeezing those rolls of chub all day! Fab story xxx
LOL I don't!! So far Chris is doing everything!!! HAHAHA I'm sitting here with the Chubster on my chest having snuggles!!! I love his fat face and arms and the weight of him!! Don't know how my tummy muscles didn't give up the ghost carrying all that weight though!!!
He's gorgeous Eve, well done you!

I've always said the bigger they are the easier they are!

With the next one maybe you'll catch me up, George was 9lb 13 1/2oz!

Loads of love xxx
I wasn't far off Sarah!! Weirdly I thought I'd be majorly torn up and yet I wasn't as bad this time as last?! Only 1 deep labial graze [which isn't bothering me even to pee!] and no stitches, nothing!
Not far off, but I still think you should try and beat me lol!

I had a tear with George but opted to leave it rather than have it stiched, there's a view that a tear left to heal without stitches will heal better. They say you should only leave them if they're not bleeding! I didn't tear with Harry but did graze, I found the grazes more painful than the tear!

Congrats Eve, he's a gorgeous big guy! I didn't realize that Chris missed the birth! Crazy!
Congrats. Wot a story! U had a good birth I reckon! If I have one anything like your one I would be pleased:) well done he's gawgus! Xxx
Congrats! He is adorable and I just love his name, good choice!
Congratulations! He's stunning - but you know that =P x
Huge congratulations!!! He is absolutely gorgeous :cloud9:
Thanks everyone!! I can't believe he's 3 days old already?!
Amazing birth story eve - you're hard as nails lol! Were u completely on your own (with the midwives obv)? He's a gorgeous little chubster :)
Thanks girls!!

Simmy I was completely on my own until I was taken to delivery at 3:20am so did most of my labour solo, with just the gas and air as my friend lol Obviously the MW checked me at 1am because she was gonna give me the 2nd pessary and then I buzzed for her at 3am because I wanted to push but it was only when I went up to delivery that the staff were with me.

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