BABY LUCAS IS HERE........ BIRTH STORY (kinda long n gorry)


lucas's mummy
Apr 29, 2010
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ok so i wen for a sweep/consultants app on the 16th, to say the least i wasnt happy with what happened at the app but i got what i wanted a sweep so grinned n beared it.
started getting cramps about 3 hours later, when to bed n hoped for the best. 17th. Woke up to really bad backache n cramps so decided to go get checked as i was having alot of discharge aswell, turns out i was 3-4 cm dialted n my cervix was really stretchy. thought ok lots of walking, bouncing on birth ball, cramps n backache started getting worse was having full on back labour(felt nothing in my stomach not even tightenings) decided i'd better finish n print my birth plan (for all the good it did in the end) walked down the road to nans to print it off as we still have to get a printer, pains started getting worse so i got a lift back home, my mum was just reaching mine. I was indoors all of 20 mins n part of my waters went (fore waters also called back waters), started feeling contractions n they where about 2-3 mins apart n difficult to walk n talk through so decided i'd better make my way to the birth center.
I got to the birth center after picking oh up at around 6ish, contractions n backache were constant there was no gaps, mw decided she needed to check my cervix but she couldnt find it, called in another mw n she couldnt find it either. They switchd over at this point n my new mw decided to do an internal search for my disappeared cervix, turns out my body was working against itself n i'd gone back down to 1cm if that n was told i was to either go home or be transferred downstairs to the ward, i asked if i could stay at the b.c a little longer n mw said yes she also offered me pethedine for the pain, she also told my mum that she thought i should have the epi as i oviously had a VERY low pain threshold, the pethedine did bugger all, another couple had called the b.c by this point so they needed the room i was in meaning i was transferred downstairs to the ward, ths is where the fun begins. Its now about 11pm after being on the ward for 20 mins i started feeling really funny n like i needed a 'darn good dump' told my mw i didnt feel right n she told me 2 go 2 bed, by this point i couldnt even climb onto my bed (couldnt lift my legs any higher then walking height) mw still insisted nothing was wrong even tho i was crying from the pain of just walking (my hips felt like they were being torn apart)little did i know at this point i was close to fully dialated as 5 mins later i told mw that i could feel alot of pressure in my groin n i was getting the urge to push once again she brushed me off telling me to go to bed n that i wasnt in labour so i couldnt be feeling the urge to push. In the end she gave me some tamazipan (sp) so id now been given 2 powerful sleeping drugs both of which failed to work i did however manage to climb onto my bed after lifting the bedrest so i could lean over it, the pressure n urge werent going nowhere so i decided to run myself a nice warm bath as that usually helps if i have backache.
The urge to push was almost uncontrolable n how i managed to control it so long i have no idea, got into the bath n it felt brilliant but made the urge to push worse. I apparently screamed out in pain as a mw came running in asking if i was ok n i said no i need to push, my mw was behind her n said ur not in labour so u dont need to push the mw who came running in asked if she could check n i said yes. I very nearly called my mw every name under the sun when the mw said ''she is in labour the heads crowning n is pretty far down'' my mw actually asked if she could check herself, anyway skipping the argument the 2 mw's had whilst i was in the bath with 1 mw shouting for a wheelchair n my mw saying i wherent going nowhere until she checked me, whilst all this was going on i was trying not 2 push but couldnt help it so was trying not to push 2 hard n just pant, i managed to get out the bath with aid from the mw n got into the wheelchair apparently u could actually see his head when i sat down, my mw actually said 'f*** me u r in labour' i apparently told her 2 go f*** herself n get me 2 labour ward now. I was rushed upstairs still dripping wet n was lifted out of the wheelchair onto the bed n was told to do what my body told me to do which was push, i was also given gas n air, which they decided to take away shortly after as they thought id cope better without it n deliver him faster. My oh n his mum n nan arrived while i was slowly birthing his head (rung oh whilst i was being rushed to the lift) my mum arrived about 5 mins later (oh rung her n told her 2 get back asap)by this time i had almost birthed his head, once his head was out i was told to give another big push using all my strength it took 2 pushes to birth his shoulders n body with which came the rest of my waters n loads of blood, lucas was taken n cleaned n given to oh as i delivered the placenta, once the placenta came away i started to bleed heavily a doctor was called to do a scrape (sp) to make sure there wasnt anything (placenta or clots) left in me this hurt more then the actual delivery n i was given the gas n air back, i could see oh walking around trying not to look at me but still allowing me to see lucas (oh said is cos he thought he was guna lose me cos of how much blood was coming out n the rate it was coming out:cry:) it took them 30 mins or more not 100% sure to stop the bleeding, all in all i lost close to 2 liters.
I have no tears or cuts n was in labour + delivery for 1 hour mw thinks it took me 15 mins 2 get from 1cm to 10 cm n ready 2 push as i was telling my mw i had the urge 2 push for a good 10-15 mins before gettinginto the bath n i was pushing for about 15-20 mins altho i thought it was longer.

Baby Lucas was born without pain relief at 00.54 am on 18/11/10, weighing in at a wooping 9lb.14oz (2 oz under 10 pound)
Congrats :flower: your midwife sounds a bloody nightmare, I'd have told her where to go :haha:
Congrats! I'd have had a bloody cow if I had to push and my mw told me no I didn't! (Well, actually, I'd have had a bloody baby, cause I would have pushed anyway :haha:)
Congrats! I'd have had a bloody cow if I had to push and my mw told me no I didn't! (Well, actually, I'd have had a bloody baby, cause I would have pushed anyway :haha:)

Lol i was my body was taking over
congratulations huni, you did so well, and he is a gorgeous lil boy(from the pics on fb) xXx
What a great story! Thank you for sharing! I'm so glad you swore at the SH*T midwife!!! I rarely swear, but that is exactly the time it is called for!!! Congratulations on your little one and fast birth!! xx
congrats on your little boy! Sorry that you weren't listened to by the midwives, it happens way too often that labouring women don't know their own bodies.
Congrats Cj, you did great! Stupid midwives, what do they know? You did amazingly! :hugs:

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