Baby TV


I'm an old bag!
Sep 1, 2006
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Has anyone else noticed that they have a designated Baby TV channel on sky? CH 626
Just flicking through this morning for Jack and stumbled on it, aparently it is

"educational concepts featuring music aret, language and nature, designed to promote development interaction and fun for infants and toddlers up until 3'

He seems to like it as he has been babble at telly for about 10 mins :D
hahaha i beat you to it :lol: :lol: i made a post on this couple of days ago cos i stumbled over it and colby loves it, its the only thing that keeps her quiet :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ah bugger, never saw it (stupid dial up!!!)
I put it on for Seren but i have to switch it off after 5 mins as it drives me mad :oops:
i love it well, it keeps colby amused for more than 5 mins but when Adele is in it has to be Nick Jr :lol: :lol:
Well it makes a nice change from Cbeebies, most programmes on there now drive me nutty
aww i havent seen this chanel! must have missed you post weestar!
Cbeebies is driving me mad, i can never say "ill be thinking of you" with out in my head sayig "ME TOO" lol
when i see granny murry on mee too all i think about is isa from still game :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
its on 703 on NTL but its not in our subscription package at the mo, not that we can get JETIX off
here come the power rangers,
here come the power rangers,
here come the power rangers
*flaps his arms about*
mystic force!

*plots the abduction and subsquent torture and killer of power rangers fucking mystic bastad force!*
Jase said:
its on 703 on NTL but its not in our subscription package at the mo, not that we can get JETIX off
here come the power rangers,
here come the power rangers,
here come the power rangers
*flaps his arms about*
mystic force!

*plots the abduction and subsquent torture and killer of power rangers fucking mystic bastad force!*

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
ethans watching the 3rd one in a row repeating the words he'll then turn to jetix+1 and watch them again! why do they tell the bad guys what move they are going to do on them, no wonder they have'nt beaten them!
Oh dear Jase analyzing kids programmes, you got it bad!!

Emily does the same with Spongebob watches it on Nick then Nick+1 then sees if it is on Nick toons :roll:

There again i do now know all the words on the opening credits :oops:

Its just made me think though, televisions aren't cheap and if anything like me the kids are in charge of it until about 7pm :shock:
Jo said:
Oh dear Jase analyzing kids programmes, you got it bad!!

Emily does the same with Spongebob watches it on Nick then Nick+1 then sees if it is on Nick toons :roll:

There again i do now know all the words on the opening credits :oops:

Its just made me think though, televisions aren't cheap and if anything like me the kids are in charge of it until about 7pm :shock:

you have no idea! :oops: i me and the kids "discuss" them untill one of us storms off in a sulk!
i have a problem with the acting too but don't get me started!

i miss classics like button moon *sniff*
Lol i miss button moon too and Jamie and his magic torch :lol:

We also argue over which episodes we have already seen :roll:

Emily looks at me like i'm a freak when i show her some programmes i used to watch :?
I miss the old ones too - I have willo the wisp, bagpuss and dangermouse on DVD and can't wait for Seren to be a bit older so she can enjoy them too :)
Jonny loves the flumps, remember them! but Chorlton and the Wheelies scares him!
awww buttonmoon!! love it! i saw it on dvd in hmv a while ago and was so tempted to buy it !!!

i also saw on dvd..... TRAPDOOR! omg love it !! "stay away from that trapdooooooorrrrrr" :lol:
beanie said:
I miss the old ones too - I have willo the wisp, bagpuss and dangermouse on DVD and can't wait for Seren to be a bit older so she can enjoy them too :)

i have danger mouse and duckula! reminds me to sit coby in front of them and educate him in the ways of classic cartoons :)

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