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Baby WON'T take expressed milk from a bottle - HELP!


She's here!!! :)
Sep 22, 2010
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Hello ladies :)

Has anyone any experience and/or pearls of wisdom about how to get a 10 week old EBF baby to start accepting expressed milk from a bottle? My DH and I have both tried numerous times but no luck. DD just screams and gets very upset :(

Anyone?? Thanks in advance x
Same problem here my 17 week old refuses point blank to take a bottle.
Frustrating eh? My oldest DD took a bottle no problems first time so I was really surprised when the baby refused. That'll teach me to compare children lol
Different bottles, different nipples... Nurse than offer the bottle within a minute. Have someone beside you or your husband offer the bottle, while you are not in the house. If a baby knows your around they may refuse, as, they know they can get it form the source.

Sadly some babies just don't take to bottles at all, offering BM on a spoon, or with a dropper can help, or even a straw.
my LO is 5 months and hates bottles. ive tried avent,tommee tippee,cheap ones, different teats, etc but she still refused them. the only way she will take expressed milk from my oh is in a cup or bottle cap.
When my boy was tiny, like a week old he was taking the bottle of pumped milk fine from his dad, now he will cry and refuse it. If anyone has any ideas...
My baby is now a bottle refuser.....he took one fine from 3 weeks until a few days ago then stopped over night! I'm going to try a different bottle, what's the youngest age they might drink from a Diody cup does anyone know?
My baby is now a bottle refuser.....he took one fine from 3 weeks until a few days ago then stopped over night! I'm going to try a different bottle, what's the youngest age they might drink from a Diody cup does anyone know?

I introduced the Diody successfully at 4 months, for my bottle refuser. Although, oddly, she now happily takes a bottle of expressed milk while I'm at work! The Doidy cup is the only way she'll drink water though. Now, at 7 months, she even feeds herself water with the Doidy cup! I love the Doidy cup- it's fab!
The Medela Calma teats worked well for me at first. We eventually moved to MAM
theres a huge thread about this somewhere round here. it has loads of advice
My LO refused every type of bottle initially. but would have some from a sippy cup,
it needed me to leave the house for my husband to have any success. we did get some success with a doidy (my health visitor told me they use them with even prem babies who dont have a good sucking reflex in NICU so I think they are good at any age.
weirdly after all my panic - my LO did start to take milk when I wasnt there (although I had left my husband with spoons/syringes bottles cups etcand he just tried whatever was to hand and kept trying different things until she took some milk, now Im back at work full time and she takes ebm from anything and anyone during the day and BFs from me evenings, night and weekends.

there is hope!
Our LO still fusses when I offer a bottle but will take one no problem from OH. We introduced the bottle after about 3 weeks because I was confident in her latching. I did notice a huge difference when we switched bottles. The flow in the Medena bottle (came with the pump) was too fast for her and she was swallowing far too much air. We switched to Tommee Tippee bottles and they are a god sent. Less gas, easier feed... we just love them! Hubby has been doing the late feed around midnight every night, so I'm hoping she will continue switching back and forth. She is almost 7 weeks now.
Hello everyone - as I was the OP on this, I thought I'd update as it may be of help/interest to some.

Over the last few weeks since I posted about this, I have spent a small fortune on bottles and teats of every shape/size and description. None of them went down well with my little girl (she's now 14 weeks) and she either was completely uninterested or screaming the place down when we tried.

I had my MIL, SIL, friends, neighbours and of course my husband all try to get her to take the milk from a bottle, but no way would she. We tried every possible position that was different from how she feeds from me but still she would not have any of it.

Last week, feeling really disheartened and thinking my little one was going to be one of the ones who 'never took a bottle', I though I had nothing to lose by trying her myself, with my original tommee tippee bottles and teats and see what happened. I took her and my older daughter out to the park and while my eldest played, I began putting the teat in and out of my littlest girl's mouth as she chilled in her pram - like a game. She allowed it and before she became upset, I stopped. Then I'd do the same a few minutes later. On the fourth attempt, she took a couple of sucks. I immediately took it away as before, then on the next attempt as soon as it went in she took a couple of sucks. I didn't want to push it so that was the end of that bottle feeding lesson.

The next day, I put 2oz of milk in a bottle and while holding her upright, over a 15 minute period, managed to get her to drink 1oz. I was elated!!!

The next day I did the same only she drank the whole lot!

Two nights later, I was able to give her 4oz and we've not looked back! It's all been done by me which is what everyone said would never work, so it just goes to show that one size does not fit all.

In retrospect, it's nothing to do with what bottles I used, or maybe even who did it, more distraction and patience while my little girl learned a new skill. She perhaps needed it to be me who taught her :shrug:

Anyway - if this gives even one person a bit of hope that they can sort out this type of problem, then this update was worth its weight in gold! :thumbup:

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