I can understand. My second eldest and middle boy both had serious weight gain and growth issues, and with second eldest he dropped from the top of the chart to the bottom, so with my second youngest I weighed him all the time. I wanted to catch any potential blips early. I don't have a proper class III scale but I have a Laica brand scale which are used in baby clinics in various countries so are pretty accurate and well trusted. I also tested it against the scale at my local clinic as I weighed him then shortly afterwards had a midwife appointment there and it was only about an oz under the weight my scale was showing. I soon found out though that he would gain quite erratically but in the end he would always gain a similar amount in a week. With my youngest I weighed him less often, there was an occasion where he did lose 4oz for real as he had norovirus but he quickly recovered and put the weight back on xx