I have low progesterone too. I take Clomid and Prometrium.
There are things that you can take and it's "fixable".
How many cycles have you been taking the clomid and prometrium?
I took it for 6 cycles. First cycle, I got pregnant with twins and miscarried, but I just had a lap/hysterscopy/D&C on Wednesday, and it turns out that part of my uterus was adhered together...no wonder I couldn't get pregnant or keep a pregnancy! Also, I did have two babies prior...and my second, I was told that I didn't even ovulate that month because my progesteron was so low...I think it was a 9 or 6 or something crazy like that. Well, I got pregnant that same month, somehow. Then I was told I would for sure miscarry. I gave birth at 37 weeks to a healthy baby girl. So, don't lose hope. Clomid increases your progesterone, as well, if you get the Prometrium, it's natural and you take it orally. Makes you feel a bit fat and bloated (and tired) but it's not too bad. GOod luck to you!
What happened at your first appointment with the FS (fertility specialist)?
What tests did they carry out?
How long did it take for the referel?
Hope it works out for you on your next load of meds.
P.S sorry for the questions, its new to me.
No worries about the questions! First, I just want to say that I live in Canada, and things might be different here...I don't know where you live though.
First appointment, well, we went over the tests I had done by my DR, and then he ordered more blood work. I was then offered the Prometrium with a pregnancy...but, I miscarried. I went again a few more months, but nothing. So, I had an HSG (hysterosaplingogram). That is where they shoot dye through your cervix and uterus and out your fallopian tubes. They take pictures as they do this to check everything. All looked good, so they gave me the Clomid. I got pregnant, but miscarried again (third m/c in a row). So, then I went 5 more cycles with the Clomid and Prometrium taking it 2 days past ovulation. Nothing. Then I went in again, and was offered the laproscopy/hysterscopy/hydrotubation/D&C...which I just had last Wednesday. There they found scarring that adhered one side of my uterus to the other. This was from a past c-section. This never showed up on any of the u/s, or the HSG's that I have had in the past. So, now I still have the low progesterone, but I feel that is something that I can overcome. Just waiting for the go-ahead from my specialist. I can't remember how long it took to see him...maybe a month or two. I was very pro-active in the meetings though. I always wrote out notes, asked questions, and did my research at home. I would ask specifically for things. One thing that you can get and it is better than a blood test for determining your progesterone levels, is an endometrial biopsy. I would ask about that. Good luck and keep us posted.