Hang in there. It can take some time. Also, unless you've been charting for a very long time (like all through last summer), it's likely your temps are higher now anyway because the weather is warmer. I did BBT with my daughter (got pregnant with her in June) and those pre-O temps were much closer to my post-O temps and pregnancy with my 2nd pregnancy (which ended in mc), but I'm pretty sure that's because it was January/February and our house was really cold. A very tiny difference in body temperature due to the weather can make a huge difference. I have no idea how long hcg stayed in my system as I didn't check it, but I did ovulate exactly 2 weeks after my d&c. Your first cycle until you get your period is likely to be whacky so I wouldn't really overthink it (and personally I probably wouldn't temp as the data won't be very useful to you next time). But hopefully things get back to normal after that. I got pregnant the next cycle after I had a period, so it's possible for everything to just re-set itself pretty quickly. But I would expect a few weird weeks until then.