Hi, can anybody help me???
This is my chart for the current month and Fertility Friend hasn't detected ovulation but I am sure that it took place on CD22. What do you all think? I am quite new to charting - its only my second month of doing it regularly! FF did say I had ovulated on CD22 at first but I then discarded my temp for CD24 as I had drank quite a lot of wine the day before! I'm very confused and am supposed to be getting blood tests done 7dpo so any help would be appreciated!
This is my chart for the current month and Fertility Friend hasn't detected ovulation but I am sure that it took place on CD22. What do you all think? I am quite new to charting - its only my second month of doing it regularly! FF did say I had ovulated on CD22 at first but I then discarded my temp for CD24 as I had drank quite a lot of wine the day before! I'm very confused and am supposed to be getting blood tests done 7dpo so any help would be appreciated!