I'm on cd 18/10 DPO. I've looked back the last 2 months(before I started bbt charting) and we've bd mid cycle when according to my CM was most fertile and it makes since we might be ovulating early and missing the egg. I've also got another question for the experts. I've read on FF tidbits that if you're not preg your bbt stays elevated for 10-16 days and(from what I understand) if it remains elevated you can be. My bbt remained elevated for 8 days and for the part 2 days it's been low. Did I hit my luteal phase or am I preg? Any thoughts/suggestions would be helpful
well, i'm definitely no expert. only my first month temping but i have read as much info i can on FFs website, trying to figure out my own chart!
after ovulation, a lot of people have what they call triphasic charts, which means temperatures rise at ovulation and then 8-10 days later they go up again, so your chart looks like stairs, in a way.
FF says
1. you can have a triphasic chart and NOT be pregnant
2. you can have a triphasic chart and BE pregnant
3. you can NOT have a triphasic chart and BE pregnant
so, basically, having a triphasic chart doesn't mean you are or you are not pregnant, sadly. a home pregnancy test or a blood test are the only ways to REALLY know if you are pregnant or not. BUT, they did try to analyze the data they do have to see if there was a correlation and it looks like there is a tiny one, but not enough to say triphasic=pregnant (it's mostly more of an after-the-fact kind of study to see if triphasic charts were more likely to result in pregnancies. here's the page: https://www.fertilityfriend.com/Faqs/Triphasic-Pattern-and-Pregnancy.html)
as i understand, if your temperature stays high for 16 days in a row (so, until 16DPO), the chances of begin pregnant are pretty good. thing is, most people around here (or maybe just people on the message boards *i* read!
) seem to take a pregnancy test before 16DPO. if you can wait until 16DPO, and you haven't gotten your period, more power to ya! i'm at 9DPO today and trying to resist testing...