My girls take Turns in the shower.. Starting around 6pm. Dd2 goes in First And I get all three of their pyjamas, nappies for younger two, and towels ready whilst she plays in there (she sits in the bath with shower over her. I keep an eye on her) She comes out and I wrap her in towel and she will play whilst I quickly shower dd3 (who also sits in the bath under shower.) She only gets a few minutes and then dd1 goes in. Whilst she is in, I dress the other two. Dd1 comes out and gets dried and dressed and we all go downstairs and I feed dd3 whilst the othrr two run up and down rhe living room (they call it 'crazy time')
During showers, ae are all upstairs and stairgate is locked, so the big two are free to do as they please in the bedrooms
Dd3 goes to bed after her bottle, and I am lucky that I can put her down awake and she settles herself. I play with the big two for 10 minutes then dd2 goes up to bed (also settles in her cot with no fuss)
I then spend 30mins or so with dd1. We read/play barbies/draw basically whatever she wants to do. I then put her to bed.
bedtimes are as follows (usually around the sane time every night)
dd3 - 7pm
Dd2 - 7.15pm
Dd3 - 7.30-8pm
I am a single mum, so do it all myself. My younger two dont do snuggles, so they dont really have 'quiet time' before bed... but thankfully that works for us.