Hi this is what I think you'll roughly be entitled to each week, to the best of my knowledge:
Income support - £50.95 if you'll be under 18 and £64.30 if over 18, You can start claiming this when you're 29 weeks pregnant as long as you're not working more than 16 hours or are in full time education (you'd have to double check this bit though).
Child tax credit - £50 (I think)
Child benefit - £20
Maternity grant when baby is born - £500
Healthy start vouchers - £6.20 week when baby under 1, £3.10 week afterwards. Pays towards milk, fresh fruit and vegetables. As you are under 18 (I think) then you are entitled to £3.10 a week when you're pregnant. Then if you claim income support when you're 29 weeks pregnant you are entitled to £3.10 a week regardless of your age. You need to ask your midwife for this form.
If you want to privately rent then you'll be entitled to £109.62 a week for two bedrooms according to Wolverhampton's rates. You won't have to pay any council tax.
However make sure that you go to your local service centre and put yourself on the council housing waiting list. You can do this now, so don't wait until the baby is born even if you are planning on living with your parents. The waiting list can be very long so its best to do this as soon as possible just in case.
Hope this helps