Birth Plan for a Newbie - Pointers Pls?

L Elise

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2011
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OK - I'm not half way through my pregnancy - my first. MW wants a birth plan put together and I've been met with a blank page. Bearing in mind so many stories in this forum of ladies not knowing what their options are (or that they are options) has anyone got any pointers of what to include?

I'd like things as natural as possible, really, and I'd like to maintain flexibility. As little interference as I can get away with.

A mobile labour - no restrictions.
Suggest no drugs - if I want 'em I'll ask thanks.
No internals.
Daddy wants to catch Baby.
Don't announce the sex - let Daddy find out for himself!
Skin-to-skin immediately.
Delayed cord clamping - and Daddy would like to cut the cord.
No jab for 3rd stage.

What have I missed ladies? :shrug: Or what do you suggest?

Thanks in advance. :thumbup:

I had 2 birth plans done/ready because I was supposed to be going to the birth centre but it closed and my back-up was a homebirth (which is what I ended up having, the centre opened the next day :haha: ) and they are very similar. I've copied them here as I'd replied to another post a few months ago to someone who asked about making a plan.

Hope it helps you :flower:


First is the homebirth one, copied below:

My name is D T and my husband is C. This is our 3rd baby together. We have a son (8) who was induced and born while I was in a squatting position at C H and a daughter (5) who was a spontaneous delivery born in the pool at JBC. For both labours I had Entonox but I became quite unfocused during the second stage of labour with our daughter. I felt shocked that we’d not been at Jubilee that long before my body started pushing of it’s own accord and I couldn’t do anything about it. This is why I have been practicing hypnotherapy in preparation for my 3rd delivery, in the hope it helps me stay calm and focused.

Birth preferences for a homebirth

C will be my birth partner throughout labour and delivery. He will give me general support and help me with my hypnotherapy where he sees I need it.

I have been practicing Natal Hypnotherapy with lavender oil at home from early on in pregnancy and I will be listening to the birth music tracks on my ipod during labour and delivery whilst using the lavender oil.

I would like the midwife attending my homebirth to be in the background taking notes and observations to check on the baby’s and my own safety and wellbeing, but otherwise not be actively involved in my labour unless I request it. I feel I will know what my body wants to do during labour but I do appreciate the support of a midwife to help with any unexpected or emergency situations.

I would like to be able to move around my home where I feel most comfortable at any one time.

I would prefer the room I am labouring in to stay quiet and for anybody who enters to knock first, introduce themselves by name and job title to C and then to myself quietly if I haven’t met them before.

During labour and delivery I would like the lights in the room to be dimmed and just my own music playing.

I would also like as little intervention as possible and to be able to sip a drink during labour if I feel I need it.

If I feel the need for pain relief other than the hypnotherapy, I will ask for Entonox or C will ask on my behalf, for example if I am going through transition and unable to ask for myself. I don’t want Pethidine or any other form of medication.

During the second stage of labour I would like to follow my body’s instincts to push when it’s ready, but for the midwife to let me know (in a quiet voice so as not to distract me from focusing) how things are progressing if necessary.

On delivery of our baby I would like to see the gender for myself, or for C to tell me if I can’t see properly. I would like our baby to be placed straight onto my chest/into my arms for skin-to-skin contact then C would like to cut the cord after it has stopped pulsating. If for any reason I can’t have skin-to-skin contact, we would like C to share it with the baby.

I would like the baby to breastfeed as soon as possible if s/he is willing and for baby to be weighed and checked over after that.

I would like to deliver the placenta without the use of medication and for baby to be given Vitamin K after it’s first breastfeed. Should I suffer a post partum haemorrhage I am happy to have emergency drugs.

And this is my birth plan for the birth centre:

My name is D T and my husband is C. This is our 3rd baby together. We have a son (8) who was induced and born while I was in a squatting position at C H and a daughter (5) who was a spontaneous delivery born in the pool at JBC. For both labours I had Entonox but I became quite unfocused during the second stage of labour with our daughter. I felt shocked that we’d not been at Jubilee that long before my body started pushing of it’s own accord and I couldn’t do anything about it. This is why I have been practicing hypnotherapy in preparation for my 3rd delivery, in the hope it helps me stay calm and focused.

Birth preferences for JBC

C will be my birth partner throughout labour and delivery. He will give me general support and help me with my hypnotherapy where he sees I need it.

I have been practicing Natal Hypnotherapy with lavender oil at home from early on in pregnancy and I will be listening to the birth music tracks on my ipod during labour and delivery whilst using the lavender oil.

I have no problem with one student midwife being present but I would prefer the room to stay quiet and for anybody who enters the room to knock first, introduce themselves by name and job title to C and then to myself quietly if I haven’t met them before.

During labour and delivery I would like the lights in the room to be dimmed and just my own music playing. It would be helpful if the birth pool was filled prior to our arrival at the birth centre ready for me to get into if I feel the need.

I would also like as little intervention as possible and to be able to move into the positions which are most comfortable to me at the time. I feel most comfortable either in water or sat on the bed leaning slightly back against C who would be fully supported by pillows against the wall. This way he can stroke my hand/s to keep me focused if I need him to and give me as much support as I need.

I would like to be able to sip my drink during labour if I feel I need it.

If I feel the need for pain relief other than the hypnotherapy or water, I will ask for Entonox or C will ask on my behalf, for example if I am going through transition and unable to ask for myself. I don’t want Pethidine or any other form of medication.

During the second stage of labour I would like to follow my body’s instincts to push when it’s ready but for the midwife to let me know (in a quiet voice so as not to distract me from focusing) how things are progressing if necessary.

On delivery of our baby I would like to see the gender for myself, or for C to tell me if I can’t see properly. I would like our baby to be placed straight onto my chest/into my arms for skin-to-skin contact then C would like to cut the cord after it has stopped pulsating. If I can’t have skin-to-skin we would like C to.

I would like the baby to breastfeed as soon as possible if s/he is willing and for baby to be weighed and checked over after that. I would like the baby, C and I to be left alone to have some time together.

I would like to deliver the placenta without the use of medication and for baby to be given Vitamin K after it’s first breastfeed. Should I suffer a post partum haemorrhage I am happy to have emergency drugs.

After the baby, C and I are ready to move out of the delivery room I would like us to go into one of the private rooms to settle in. I would then like C to be able to go and collect our older children when we are ready for them to visit JBC.

I would like baby and I to stay for one night in the private room at JBC to successfully establish breastfeeding before going home.
That was so helpful. I've also been struggling with what I need to write down and this was really helpful Greta Chick. Thank you so much for sharing!
Looks good, I think the part about a dim quiet space is very important. Maybe add the options for ressus, if required? I.e if req'd, can baby be resussed beside mother with cord intact, to allow for the oxygenated blood from the placenta to assist until breathing established.

That's the only extra I can think of, you both have pretty comprehensive lists!
State clearly what you do want and what you do not want..

Are you bringing TENS/birth ball/candles/aromatherapy?
Do you want a pool?
What about monitoring - intermittent/constant?
If they haven't broken do you want your waters broken?
How do you feel about coached pushing?
Do you want to see/keep the placenta?
Will baby be having the vit k injection?
Will you allow student MW's in the room?
Will you breastfeed?
If baby needs attention/you need to be taken away do you want Daddy to stay with baby?

....make some decisions about 'in case of' situations..

in case of instrumental delivery...would you decline forceps etc?
in case of EMCS - you often have tons of time if you go to theatre even with a real emergency you have the right to ask for certain things during the CS, will daddy be there, do you want the curtain dropped, do you want the sex announced etc.
Thank you for posting your b-plan, that was more than I expected! :flower: I used your plan for a basis - I do hope you don't mind :blush: - I shall post mine when I have it completed.

Thanks ladies! :flower: Your input is much appreciated. :thumbup:

Do we have anyone on the forum that does this for a living? I just want to make sure I'm not sending in War & Peace, when half a dozen bullet points would have done! :haha: (Me?? Demanding?!? :winkwink:) Or which points/words should I highlight to facilitate easy reading should staff be in a hurry? (say in case of medical necessity.)
OH will be my birth partner throughout labour and delivery. He will give me general support and help me when he sees I need it.

I will be listening to the music tracks on my ipod during labour and delivery.

I would prefer the room to stay quiet and for anybody who enters the room to knock first and, if we haven’t met them before, introduce themselves by name and job title to OH and myself quietly.

During labour and delivery I would like the lights in the room to be dimmed and just my own music playing. It would be helpful if the birth pool was filled prior to our arrival at the birth centre ready for me to get into if I feel the need.

I would also like as little intervention (inc. internals, forceps, ventuose and episiotomy) as possible and will move into the positions which are most comfortable to me at the time. This way OH can give me as much support as I need. No procedure/intervention should be carried out without a full explanation and expressed consent.

I would like food and drink during labour not to be restricted.

If I feel the need for further pain relief, I will ask for Entonox or OH will ask on my behalf, for example if I am going through transition and unable to ask for myself. I do not want Pethidine or any other form of medication and would like only intermittent monitoring of Baby.

During the second stage of labour I would like to follow my body’s instincts to push when it’s ready but for the Midwife to let me know (in a quiet voice so as not to distract me from focusing) how things are progressing if necessary, (coached pushing should be unnecessary).

On delivery of our baby OH would like to catch him/her and see the gender for himself, letting the rest of us know. I would like our baby to be placed straight onto my chest/into my arms for skin-to-skin contact then OH would like to cut the cord after it has stopped pulsating. If I can’t have skin-to-skin we would like OH to.

I would like Baby to breastfeed as soon as possible if s/he is willing and for Baby to be weighed and checked over after that. I would like Baby, OH and I to be left alone to have some time together.

I would like to deliver the placenta without the use of medication and for baby to be given oral Vitamin K, starting after the first feed.

Should I suffer a post partum haemorrhage I am happy to have emergency drugs. Should I or Baby need further urgent medical attention I would like OH to stay with Baby.

Should emergency C-Section be deemed necessary, I would like OH with us. I would like him to catch Baby (as far as is practically possible) and find out the gender – I do not want it announced.

Should resuscitation be necessary, I would like Baby to be resuscitated beside me with cord in tact to allow the placenta to assist until breathing is established.

Any thoughts/suggestions are welcome. :thumbup:
My advice is keep it short and simple. Most MWs/Doulas/OBGYNs/Nurses in my experience won't really read them if they are long and in sentance form. They don't have time and they won't remember everything if it's long.

A good example is;

Walk around

Daddy catches
delayed cord clamping
Baby stays on me at all times

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