Birth story of Isabel Lily-May - induction at 42w


Mum to 3 girls
Jun 6, 2010
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I had hoped to have Isabel in a midwife led birthing unit but was told at Christmas they were understaffed so it was closing :(

So as i didn't really want a hospital birth I decided on a homebirth...except of course if I went seriously overdue!!

I was overdue by 14 days when I went into hospital on Thursday 17.02.11. On the Tuesday night I had started to have contractions around teatime and really thought this could be it...I’m getting my homebirth. I monitored it for a few hours then around 9 we thought we ought to let the team know as the contractions were regularly every 2 minutes but not so intense I couldn't talk. So hubby rang up and explained this, then a MW rang back and spoke to me. I explained again what they were like and that I thought I should just let them know but she was keen to come out and she said the other midwife was already on her way! So 40 minutes later I have 1 midwife checking me, I explain again what's going on...then another midwife and her student turn up! Suddenly it feels a little crowded and unnecessary in the lounge and the contractions are not getting any more intense unless I keep walking. At this time of night, 10/11 o’clock, that means walking round the dining table as we are a bit too rural for venturing outside!

Eventually we are all agreed that labour doesn't look imminent so it would make more sense to try to get some sleep and see if it all gets going in the morning, by which time it would be my own midwife who would attend. I apologise again to the midwives for getting them out but they seemed quite pleased to be out of the hospital!! I do worry about the wasted time and petrol though :(

So the next day nothing much at all, I was really disappointed, spent the day on my feet cleaning the house and repacking my hospital bag but nothing got going. Was really hoping to have my baby by then.

So there we are - Thursday morning and I'm off to hospital for monitoring or an induction at 9. It was written in my notes that I wanted to defer induction but you know, that was never mentioned?? I seemed to spend the whole day being monitored - firstly hooked up to the heat rate machine, my baby is a wriggler and had an anterior placenta so trying to get a continuous trace was a nightmare...50 mins later we finally got there. Then she did an internal to see if my cervix had changed - no it was still highish, long and closed :( and she was SO painful. The sweep attempts were nothing like that...I did wonder why she said if I wanted her to stop at any point just say...*shudders*.

But, because she couldn't really feel baby's head she wanted to have a scan to check she wasn't breech. This involved the on-call doctor doing a 1 minute scan...unfortunately it took 3 hours for a slot to be available, 3 hours when I couldn't go for a walk or leave the bed, in case he appeared. As I said to my hubby...reason 32 why I hate hospitals!!

So when he did arrive, yep 1 minute scan, Baby was just where she should be, just high up. By this point (3 o'clock) I had really had enough so it was either get on with it or go i just said yep lets get on with it so I had another 30 mins trace than had a dose of prostin. By this time it was a new, pleasant midwife, who gently examined me and administered the prostin. I lay down for 45 minutes then was able to wander around the hospital with hubby and at last feel more relaxed and in control. I felt tightenings after a couple of hours and just monitored them to see if I thought they were labour, by about 7 o’clock I was pretty sure they were. I was due another examination around 9 to see how things were going and had been told I would get another prostin dose then if necessary before having to progress to ARM and the drip, which I absolutely did not want.

At 8 the midwives changed AGAIN but this time no one came to introduce themselves. At 8.45 i asked OH just to check that she knew I was here and expecting a check up soon. She came over and said no, she wasn’t going to be doing that. (I took an instant dislike to her, not least because she couldn’t even be bothered to introduce herself.) As this was my third I wouldn’t be getting any more prostin and she didn’t intend to examine me either. If my waters broke, or I was huffing and puffing she might do something, otherwise she suggested I had a bath, went for a walk or went to bed with a paracetemol. Now as OH was supposed to be kicked out at 9.30 this wasn’t overly helpful. By this time the contractions were every couple of minutes, lasting 45 seconds and intense enough that I couldn’t talk through them easily.

But I was happy to go for a walk so off we went, and I bumped into my community midwife who was on call that night. That was so lovely – I told her about my contractions and she suggested going sideways up the stairs to help them along! She was all cheery and pleased to see me, made me feel much better ☺. So hubby and I went up and down the hospital stairs and corridors (not sideways!!) the contractions got more intense, about a minute and a half apart lasting about a minute and I definitely couldn’t talk through them! I controlled them by breathing and visualising my cervix effacing etc etc I went to the loo on the way back and noticed there was quite a lot of blood – could be a show but I’d never had one so I really don’t know :shrug:!!

When we got back to the ward I told the grumpy midwife about the contractions and the blood, showing her what was on my panty liner. She said well I suppose we had better do an exam then, sighing. She was obviously not keen.

So she examined me, which was very uncomfortable as I didn’t want to be lying down through contractions, and I certainly didn’t want someone poking around up there at the same time! She managed to squeeze her finger in and she popped my waters…not sure if she meant to or not :shrug: OH asked if there had been any change and she said not, my cervix was still long and she could only just get a finger in. She didn’t think these were really labour pains but she said I could have some gas and air by the bed as she wanted to monitor baby’s heart rate. This was horrible, being stuck on the bed through contractions. Luckily she only left us on there for about 10 mins then I could wander around again.

By this point the other women in the ward were going to bed…and there was me breathing through contractions but getting to the point where I wanted to say “arghhh” at the end…and they were trying to go to sleep. So I decided to have a shower. I didn’t want a bath as I had found they made the contractions more painful in my previous labours, and made me throw up!! But I thought a shower might be soothing without being so intense. So off I went…no, showers had pretty much the same effect as a bath and accelerated the contractions! At least I could lock the door though because by now I couldn’t just breath through them, by the end of each contraction I was moaning too. After a while I wanted to go back and put my nightie on but hadn’t brought a sanitary towel etc etc with me so the logistics of getting back to the ward were flummoxing me. Especially as I could only move between contractions!! At one point the grumpy midwife asked if I was alright, yep I’m fine I reply – as you always do!! But by then I could hear her saying, I don’t like the sounds from in there, I’m worried she’s going to have the baby! Hold on…I thought I wasn’t in labour?!!!

Turns out whilst I was in the shower she had said to Oh, she thinks she’s in labour but she’s not! She had even asked how long my other labours were (4 hours) so you think she might have thought, oh it could be quick, never mind, oh this woman might know her own body!!

By this point (about 11.15??) I was getting the urge to push so I tried the toilet, in case I just was getting ready for labour…that really panicked the midwife and they unlocked the door from outside! She had by this time told delivery suite I was on my way and OH had packed my stuff up! When I finished on the loo I was put on a wheelchair and she rushed me down the corridor! Having contractions on a wheel chair wasn’t much fun!

So now I am delivery suite with a new midwife….yes a lovely one, phew!! I put on my nightshirt and try to get in a good position. I was encouraged to have gas and air but really struggled to be able to use it…the contractions were so intense I had to go “arghhhhhhhhhh” through them!! The midwife said to go with what my body wanted and didn’t mind the racket I was making!! Like a tennis player grunting I found making the noise helped me to push etc.

After a while I decided my nightshirt was too flappy so changed into a vest top – who’d have thought I would have so many outfits for one little labour!! I was on all 4s but holding onto the back of the bed which seemed to work. All this time I was getting the urge to push but when the midwives looked I still had about 5cm of cervix in the way. So they asked me not to push?!!! Like I felt I had any control over it?! I tried, and I tried to have the gas and air but I just couldn’t. Then suddenly I could feel baby’s head coming, the 5 cm of cervix disappeared in about 5 mins and I felt the “ring of fire”. Now I gave slow pushes but it seemed to take loads – about 8 or 10 pushes! My last one only needed 2, though prob there wasn’t 5 cm of cervix in the way then :blush: then her head was out…more pushing, harder than I remember last time, and the rest was born. it was 12.22.

It was very quiet. I remember saying, “why isn’t she crying” a few times. And them replying, “not all babies do” but they had cut the cord straight away and whipped her away to the resuscitaire. I had wanted the cord to stop pulsating and me to cut it ☹ But we later found out her APGAR score was only 2 when she came out – she had come so quickly her body hadn’t got geared up for breathing etc so she was pale, floppy and gasping. Luckily her score was up to 9 at 3 minutes and at 5 so I soon had a beautiful crying baby on my chest.

I had no tears, no episiotomy and no stitches, I feel very lucky.

I was so much more aware of what was going on this time as I had had no pethidine or other drugs. I saw my placenta and had it shown to me in detail – it really was fascinating ☺

And most importantly of all I had a perfect, beautiful little girl ☺she weighed 8lb 2 oz, biggest so far :)

I do believe that things happen for a reason, and it’s not worth dwelling on what could have been. I’ll never know what would have happened if I’d delivered at home, perhaps it wouldn’t have been so quick? It wasn’t my planned homebirth but given the speed of the delivery I’m so glad I was where I was.

It turns out that the midwife (Pip) was a community midwife in another area – she had seen my midwife that evening who had said she hoped I got her. It was a good delivery, in a calm atmosphere with lovely people - I wouldn’t change it at all.
Congratulations! sorry you had to deal with such a miserable mw!
Thank you!

There's always one isn't there...mind you makes the nice ones seem even nicer!!
Thank you!

There's always one isn't there...mind you makes the nice ones seem even nicer!!
Congratulations! What a lot of mws! Mine was a bit like that, we started to see people for the second time I was there so long. It's nice you are so pragmatic about it. Well done!
By this point (about 11.15??) I was getting the urge to push so I tried the toilet, in case I just was getting ready for labour…that really panicked the midwife and they unlocked the door from outside!

This bit really made me LOL

hehe but fab birth story - lucky it was so quick :thumbup: xxxxx
Congrats again honey bunch :) sounds like it went ok considering it was what you didn't want!! And you got s nasty mw like me, amazes me that they do such a caring job when they are clearly arses!! And wow to no tears go you - jealous!! Xx
Great birth story clare.

I was getting angry reading about the horrible midwife! X
What a detailed story! Boo to the nasty mw. There are unfortunately a few, but at least you had a lovely one when it mattered most.

How speedy was 5-10 cm!? No wonder poor Isabel was a bit shocked, at least she came round real quick.
Thanks hun! Yep it was all good when it mattered :)
Great story! That mw sounds very unpleasant!

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