I have a 12 week old baby, the first month i was giving 50% breastmilk and 50% enfamil gentlease, but since a month ago i am giving her just formula. She was ok, till 3 weeks i saw in her poops black specks, slowly she started spitting way more to the point that it was constantly and once a day vomiting all her formula and in the end her poop turned green still with the black specks... I took her to my family doctor and she said that if she didn't poop all black it was nothing to be concern ... when i goggle found that black means old blood... so I just switched 2 days ago her formula to enfamil nutramigen, the black specks stopped but now i see mucus in her poops and she has a little bit of diarrhea... dont know what to do, or if she is allergic to milk