Yep just carry on as you are until she gets the hang of it. There really is no rush and milk is their main source of nutrition until 1, so she's got plenty of time to figure it out. If you do want to try offering things she's more likely to be able to pick up, you just have to be a bit creative. Things like cucumber or banana can be slippery, so sometimes they struggle with those at first. I always found bigger pieces were better, so I cut bananas into thirds so it was like a little mini banana about 2-3 inches long, or offer the whole banana with the peel on and peel a bit for her to be able to eat at the top, cucumber sticks are good rather than chunks, plain cooked pasta (it's slippery with sauce), toast fingers with whatever on it, a plum or nectarine cut in half with the stone removed was an easy on to pick up at first. Also, things she can stick her fingers in and lick them, like yogurt, porridge, blended soup (also good with toast fingers). It won't be long before she gets the hang of it, but it doesn't happen right away. I think it was probably 2 weeks before my daughter ate anything and she was still mostly just playing and mushing and dropping stuff on the floor and eating a bit until 9-10 months and then it really took off. So really, it will likely take at least a month or a couple months to really start to get it. But you're teaching skills and an appreciation for real food that will last her a lifetime, so no need to worry it's taking too long or rush it. My 3.5 year old is now the most amazing, adventurous eater. She eats things even my adult friends are picky about! That's really what you're aiming for down the road. So just hang in there for now. Sounds like you're doing a great job so far.