Hi ladies
My lo is 3 months now so still some way off weaning. Anyhoo, all the blw books are out of the library at the mo, although I did pick up a puree book!
I'm interested to find out about blw and have been gleaning some info from here. What I'm picking up is that blw is letting your child finger-eat food and exploring it for themselves rather then being fed with a spoon.
If so I have a couple of questions.
- when do you transition onto cutlery
- can you offer a blw baby purees or do you just soften the food (par cook carrot sticks eg)
Any info re the thinking behind blw much appreciated!
My lo is 3 months now so still some way off weaning. Anyhoo, all the blw books are out of the library at the mo, although I did pick up a puree book!
I'm interested to find out about blw and have been gleaning some info from here. What I'm picking up is that blw is letting your child finger-eat food and exploring it for themselves rather then being fed with a spoon.
If so I have a couple of questions.
- when do you transition onto cutlery
- can you offer a blw baby purees or do you just soften the food (par cook carrot sticks eg)
Any info re the thinking behind blw much appreciated!