Yes, it's very normal. 80% of sexually active women have HPV. Some is the kind that gives you genital warts and some is the kind that causes cervical changes. But many women will have an abnormal smear as a result eventually, so much so that in many places they don't even test for it because it's a bit pointless since it's so common. But yes, I had my first abnormal smear in probably 2008. I had to wait nearly 2 years for the colposcopy because I was living in the U.S. at the time and couldn't afford it (no insurance). I eventually had it and they biopsied a bit of cervix and it was abnormal, but just barely. The advice was just to give it time. In most cases, it clears on its own when your body flushes out the infection, but it can take a few years for that to happen. I had a few abnormal ones after that, but since 2011 or so it's been normal again. I've had another colposcopy since then just because they thought they saw something weird and I had been having some unusual heavy bleeding, but it turned out to be nothing. So I've had no problems at all for about 6 years now. HPV does cause cervical cancer, but only in a very small percentage of cases. For most women, they'll never even notice they have it and it likely clears eventually and doesn't cause any further problems. So the odds are definitely in your favour and I would try not to worry too much about it now unless you have a reason to.