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Bowel movement after giving birth. Help me :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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I gave birth two days ago. I haven't been for a poo in 5 days.. I just tried to go and ended up sitting on the toilet crying.

I have stitches down there from being cut, I'm so so sore and swollen. What do I do? Can I take laxatives? I'm drinking orange juice and lots of water, eating fruits and fibre.. But I can't stop the fear. Even doing a wee makes my eyes water.

Help :(
I gave birth two days ago. I haven't been for a poo in 5 days.. I just tried to go and ended up sitting on the toilet crying.

I have stitches down there from being cut, I'm so so sore and swollen. What do I do? Can I take laxatives? I'm drinking orange juice and lots of water, eating fruits and fibre.. But I can't stop the fear. Even doing a wee makes my eyes water.

Help :(

With my first I remmeber being so scared to go that I put it off probably longer than I should have. But honestly it was fine. Yes it hurts a little bit but nothing bad at all and once you go the first time it gets easier and better and you won't be so worried. I didn't have any stitches though but my friend had an episiotomy and she said she was crying with worry about going but when she went it was fine.

I had my son five weeks ago and going for a number 2 wasn't an issue at all. Didn't hurt me and I felt fine

You can take laxatives if you feel like you need to but if you're stoppig yourself going just from the fear I would just sit on the toilet, give yourself plenty of time and just try and relax for a while before going. I promise you it isn't as bad as you think it's going to be. It is nothing like giving birth!
Were you given any sort of stool softener in the hospital, like Colace? They can be purchased over the counter. Also, I hear witch hazel works wonders for vaginal soreness. I had a section, so can't speak from personal experience, but it's what I learned in nursing school.
When I had an episiotomy and stitches with my oldest, the midwife told me to take movacol which is basically a stool softener. It worked really well, I took it for about a week after giving birth and it is fine to take if you're breastfeeding.
I think it was about 10 days before I pooped after having dd1 (also had stitches and a graze and felt like I was going to burst open!)
I eventually took some lactulose (quite alot of it!) which helped me greatly. I would absolutely take something, it can be so uncomfortable to be constipated. I was in horrible pain because of it
Oh dear. Is it just the stitches or do you feel a bit constipated? I definitely had problems going (constipation-wise) after giving birth! I can't really remember how long it lasted but I have no problems now and haven't for a long long time. I just sort of waited it out and carried on. If it's just the stitches causing the poop problem though, I don't know? Maybe like a pp said, a stool softener or laxative might be the answer? If you are breastfeeding though it's probably best to check it's safe first. Sounds gross, but you could try a little Vaseline to smooth the way as it were.

Peeing is agony on stitches I know. You can try pouring a jug of warm water over yourself as you go. Crouch in the bath and do it there if you have to. It will only last a couple of weeks. :(
I had stitches too. Colace (stool softener) was my best friend.
Take stool softeners. Don't feel rushed about pooping.. it took me about 6 days before I did go. I was taking the softeners and honestly when I did go, I didn't have to push at all. It was such a relief.

Do you have a little squirt bottle with warm water in it to squirt on your lady bits when you pee? It really helps. You can take a Epsom salt bath too, it will help soothe the pain a bit. I hated the "padsicles" as they were just way to cold. Roll up 2 towells and sit on them so it elevates you a little so your bits aren't touching the couch and causing more irritation.

We have all been there love, it gets better. We promise!!! xoxox
You poor thing, I remember that feeling, I used the squirty bottle to reduce swelling and sourness when weeing, also when trying for bowel movement hold a cotton wool pad over where cut and won't hurt as much when pushing and also gives you more confidence. I used my daughters step stool for toilet to put feet up so in better position and my post partum pads went in freezer so took swelling down. Witch hazel helps to with swelling. Nit sure about stool softners as my midwifes did not recomend as finally went day 3. A damp cool cotton wool pad does help just for the feeling your insides arnt about to fall out. Maybe try a bath first on warm pad on tummy just to help relax.
Oh I really feel for you :( I had stitches externally and internally and I cried every time I had to pee for the first 4 says or so... I did squirt water on myself while peeing which really helped though. Oh, also, maybe don't drink the orange juice, it might make your wee more acidic and ouchie?

I was so scared to poo as well. The nurse gave me some stool softener, it tasted disgusting but the next morning it came out of me so easily. Probably too easily, if I wasn't right next to the toilet when I got he urge to go an accident might have occurred haha. On the way home from the hospital I made DH stop so we could buy some. I used it for about a week and a half, it really helped.

Big hugs to you. And congrats on becoming a mama!!
The longer you hold it in, the bigger it gets. Better to just go... Unless you're constipated which is a different issue altogether.
Thank you so much for all your advice. I had asked my midwife before I left hospital to come home about stool softener but she told me no and to just sort of grin and bear it, she was a bit of an old fashioned "get on with it" sort of lady I think.

I'm going to get some stool softener in the morning anyway, I feel like once I poo I won't feel so much pressure down there and that will help with it being so sore.

Good advice with the squirty bottle I'll try that too!!

Thank you, ladies. Very much appreciated xxx
OMG what a meanie!
Definitely get stool softener. You'll feel so much better.
You have plenty of things to worry about now with a newborn, pooping shouldn't be one of them :haha:
I lived on lactulose for about two weeks after my tear with dd!! Definitely get some softener - take it with a big glass of water and it can clear you right out :thumbup:

Congrats on your new arrival :)
I just remembered when had daughter they said I could use fibregel and that was ok with breastfeeding
If I were you I would take a stool softener just in case and staying well hydrated will dilute your pee so it doesn't burn as bad and help keep your bowel movements soft. And yes, omg a skirt bottle is a must! I cant believe the hospital didn't send you home with one! I would just buy a bottle of drinking water, one with the skirt top that you pull up and push down to snap open and close, put some warm water in it and use that. I wouldn't try to hard to make it happen, if it doesn't work just keep going about your day and hopefully the next time opportunity knocks, it'll happen for you.

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