This thread has no point, just an update on my 'should I FF next time' thread..
Sooo after my 'I want to FF next time so I have a baby that sleeps' wobble, I finally spoke to Rich about it and he laughed at me. Not in an insensitive way, and it did help. He knows how much I love feeding Caitlyn.. And he knows I will BF next time.... Will more than likely co-sleep again too... They were hard, and sometimes stressful as hell, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Caitlyn is wonderful, and I can only assume that's because I made the right decisions for us. Mummy instinct at its finest. I'm sure I'll make the same right choices for the next one.
Sooo after my 'I want to FF next time so I have a baby that sleeps' wobble, I finally spoke to Rich about it and he laughed at me. Not in an insensitive way, and it did help. He knows how much I love feeding Caitlyn.. And he knows I will BF next time.... Will more than likely co-sleep again too... They were hard, and sometimes stressful as hell, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Caitlyn is wonderful, and I can only assume that's because I made the right decisions for us. Mummy instinct at its finest. I'm sure I'll make the same right choices for the next one.