My little Halle is just over two weeks old and we've been bfing from day one. It took a few days for my milk to come in and she had probs latching on in the beginning and as a result I had a very unhappy baby in the beginning and she lost 8% of her birth weight in the first few days.
My nipples were actually bleeding and red raw, and I'd sit in hospital watching some of the other mums ff'ing with their content quiet babies and I'd wonder if I was being selfish insisting I'd bf. I'd sit there with a syringe all day in the hospital trying to collect the 1-2 mls of colostrum I could and feed my little girl the little I could provide her.
BUT about 5-6 days after her birth, suddenly my milk came in, by the gallons (or so it felt) and suddenly her latch improved overnight... and now there's no stopping us. My nipples have healed and she's put on the weight she lost and more.
It is very tiring, and she's waking to feed every 1.5-2 hrs day and night for a feed, and I wish I could just give her over to someone for a few hours so I can catch up on some much needed sleep, but bf'ing, for me, is one of the most rewarding things ever. The way she looks at me while feeding, and when I see how she's growing purely on my milk... plus the health benefits and ease of feeding makes it all worthwhile......... and cheap!