This is my experience, as a third time mom who is breastfeeding for the first time. I took my pump to the hospital with me and glad I did because achieving a good latch was difficult at first, painful and stressful. A nipple shield helped me so much the first few days and weeks. Be sure to consult a LC while you are in the hospital if you need to, even before you give birth may be helpful. I was able to pump and syringe feed my LO colostrum and the beginnings of my milk as it came in. My SO did the syringe feeds. At home, I mostly nursed on demand (whenever LO showed signs of hunger, I nursed). I did pump some because I would be returning to work and thought I needed to have a stash prepared. This may have been a bit of a mistake on my part, as I now have an oversupply. I have pumped 25 ounces a day at most during my three breaks since returning to work, which is A LOT. Anyways, while at home or even while I am out with baby I exclusively breast feed. No bottles. I try to avoid bottles as much as possible but that's because LO already gets a bottle while I'm away at work. If you are going to be a SAHM it's ok for LO to have a bottle at times but I would suggest waiting until you have breastfeeding well established, around 6 weeks at least. My SO has our LO at times while I'm at work so that allows him time to feed and bond with baby. I have never given my LO a bottle myself and don't plan to if I can help it. This way, he knows Mommy=breast and anyone else is bottle. So far it is working amazingly for me.
Like PP said, your LO will be very demanding during the first few weeks. VERY demanding. Your nipples will likely crack and bleed and it will be sore. Lanolin helped me and I still use it when I pump. It may seem like he/she isn't getting enough but that's not always the case. Baby's constant nursing signals your body to produce the milk he/she needs. Pumping will also stimulate your breasts to produce milk, but not as efficient as baby. There are also wonderful breastfeeding support groups on Facebook (if you have an account) that have been amazing help to me personally. Good luck to you, breastfeeding is an amazing experience!