breastfeeding third baby and not losing any weight really depressed


mum to 2 little boys
Feb 16, 2012
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Hi all. Not really sure if it's due to feeding but I'm feeding baby number three. A girl this time who really isn't as hungry as her brothers were. With the boys I fed constantly and lost a lot of weight whilst eating about 4000 calories a day! This time I've had to reduce my intake to about 1000 a day and I'm not losing a single pound. I'm not overweight but I'm two stone heavier than my usual ore pregnancy weight. I'm super busy and exercise every day! Wtf!!! I've had enough! I had a stomach bug for the last two days and I've actually gained weight. I'm getting super depressed and just literally want to cry. I'm so fed up. Please help!
Breastfeeding is unfortunately not a guarantee to lose weight. I found that I hung on to some weight until my LO's feeds really dropped.

1000 calories a day really isn't healthy or safe even when you're not breastfeeding - when you're breastfeeding you really need to be getting more than that.

I would try to stop worrying about it so much and let it run its course. You won't hold onto the weight forever if you're eating healthy and exercising.
How old is your LO and how often is she feeding? I understand you really want to lose weight but please be careful with your calorie intake as I don't think 1000 calories a day would be enough to maintain your milk supply. I think 1200 is the minimum recommended calorie intake for a non BF woman to lose weight.

I too was desperate to lose weight after having my DD last Summer and I joined Slimming World when she was 7 weeks old. They have a great plan for BF mums to ensure you are having a good, balanced diet which should not impact on your supply. I am now 2 stone 2 lbs lighter than when I joined and it really hasn't been that hard. I am not sure what kinds of foods you are eating but it may be worth looking into some kind of structured plan as starving yourself is dangerous for you and could jeopardise you breastfeeding.

Some tips I have found to help aid weight loss safety are to:

- drink hot water and lemon first thing in the morning
- drink as much water as you can, I aim for 2.5 litres a day
- don't skip breakfast, even if you just have some fruit/yoghurt
- get plenty of exercise but make sure you include rest days to allow your muscles time to repair
- eat plenty of fruit & veg (slimming world advise 1/3 of every meal should be fruit/veg)

If you're working out a lot and not drinking enough fluids, your body will dehydrate and go into crisis mode which could lead to water retention too.

Thanks for your replies. I tried slimming world and gained weight! Because my bmi isn't actually overweight although I'm a stone and a half higher that I am usually I think slimming world just didn't work for me and I followed it to the exact. Weighing everything and eating loads of fruit and veg stopping when full etc. I couldn't believe I gained. I'm debating going to the gp because although my eating is probably unhealthy I should not be gaining weight at all. I'm wondering if I have a thyroid issue. I have had other symptoms of hypothyroidism so some bloods wouldn't hurt. At least then I know for sure it's not that and will just suck it up. I loved breastfeeding my first two babies but this time it feels like I'm giving up all my confidence to do it.

Lo is 10 weeks and is feeding for very short periods of time maybe 10 minutes max every four hours. Dr and hv said it's fine as she is gaining weight normally.
It might be a good idea to check with your doctor.

I agree with the other ladies that 1000 calories a day is not enough. Your body can actually go into starvation mode and try to hold on to weight if you're not eating enough.
It might be a good idea to get checked to make sure there is nothing medically wrong with you, but if not, i think you need to relax, enjoy food and worry about your weight after you're done breastfeeding.

I'm someone who has to choose between being thin or bf. When i'm not pregnant or bf i'm very strict with diet and exercise because that's the only way i stay on the thin side. When i had my first baby 5 years ago i expected the pounds to melt away with bf. Well they didn't. I stayed at 25lbs + the entire year i bf. When i tried to cut down on calories or increase exercise, i'd stop producing enough milk. As someone who struggled with a weight obsession for most of my life (including bouts of eating disorders) it was really hard for me to accept being bigger for an entire year (2 years if you count the pregnancy). But i was determined to offer my daughter the best start in life as possible, so i continued to bf until i went back to work. After that the weight eventually came off with diet and exercise, and 2 years later i was in the best shape of my life (at age 34).

My second baby is now 3 weeks old and this time i'm much more zen about the whole thing. I've even told my OH up front that he will have to put up with this chubbier version of me for a year. I do miss being thin and looking good in clothes, but in the grand scheme of things a year is not a long time. Then i will have the rest of my life to exercise and look good ;) It's taken me some time to get to this point so i know it's easier said than done, but sometimes accepting is better than fighting.

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