Hi there. I would love to. What DPO are you? I am 3 dpo.
Hey there ! :wave: I am set to get my period in two days. I took an FRER pregnancy test and it was negative. What is your story? When did you miscarry? How long have you been trying?
Hi. I have not had a miscarriage. I have had what I believe to be a couple of chemical pregnancies. Never did get a clear BFP but had faint ones, and symptoms

. I have been infertile from the start, around age 12.
This is my first month "trying." We said we would try a couple of years ago but it got so stressful on us because of my PCOS. My SO quickly backed up from trying and began pulling out. Talk about hurt!
Since then I have just been trying to heal my body from the PCOS so that I can ovulate on my on monthly. He would sometimes be comfortable enough to try again.
Recently I flat out asked him if he still wanted children. We had an honest talk and...
We both want a baby ASAP! It was just too stressful on him and causing stress on us.
I changed my diet and began using natural progesterone cream. So last month I O'd and was shocked! So this month I tracked it with OPK's and we BD'd during high and peak fertility.
I was quite surprised he was so enthused about it. I now know not to involve him in the logistics and to just call him in when it is time to, for lack of better words, drop the load lol!!
I don't mind at all because I just come on here acting crazy and obsessing with all the ladies lol!
So..that was much longer than I expected. Tell me about yourself. Are you doing anything different this month? Normal cycles? I guess I should look at your ticker lol. So great to meet you!
ETA: Did they find a reason for the miscarry? Was it low progesterone?