im surprised youv to go in so far in advance. mine was the day before.
They take some bloods to check white cell count etc/urine samples to check that.
you should meet the aneasthetist and the person doing your c-section and both should talk you through their respective parts of the procedure and what you should expect. you will then have to sign consent forms
thats all that happened in mine. xx
They actually called me the next day asking if I could go in on Friday June 27th, last week. The nurse went through everything I should expect, she didn't take my blood or or did any physical check, my doctor did a swap at 37weeks for bacteria and said I was okay. My csection will be for June 7th at 10:30am. I am expected to check in at 8:30am that morning.
Here is what i was told
-: Take a shower before going in
-: Don't shave
-: take off nail polish
-: take picture I'd and health card
-: sign my placenta donation card(I plan to donate mine for medical research or donation)
-: leave my purse, money or credit cards at home, they can't guarantee it will be safe
-: I had to choose between private, semi private or general room, I choose private it is covered by my insurance, hubby can sleep in the room there is a fold out couch for spouses.
-: I can't eat or drink anything from the night before around midnight, no gum nothing! If I do they will have to cancel my surgery, I can only brush teeth and spit no sip of water
-: I signed some documents consenting to the surgery, blood transfusion and something else I don't remember
-: I started filling my LO's birth certificate
This is all I can remember, they had many other questions but overall it was reassuring. They wanted to know if I had help after surgery, they also ask how family situation is, a nurse will probably be in my house a day after I get home to check on me.
They also asked if I was going to breast feed or formula feed, they gave me a phamplet showing what to do after surgery, how to get out of bed and so on. I left feeling more prepared.
I have a list of things to do and take the day of too.