Bit of background - I'm not TTC. I'm getting my cycles sorted before potentially TTC in 2017 as they are totally wacko. Last time I came off the pill - it took 5 months before I got a period.
I decided to do OPKs to figure out if my body was trying to ovulate and failing or if it wasn't even trying. Now on CD36 and these are the darkest the lines I have ever got. Does it look like it's on it's way or do they look the same? My CM has gone very stretchy but hasn't gone egg white looking and I have had increased libido the past couple of days.
I would really appreciate some input please. The first pic is yesterday's at 3pm and the second one is today at 2pm. Both 4 hour urine holds without excessive fluids. Thanks x
I decided to do OPKs to figure out if my body was trying to ovulate and failing or if it wasn't even trying. Now on CD36 and these are the darkest the lines I have ever got. Does it look like it's on it's way or do they look the same? My CM has gone very stretchy but hasn't gone egg white looking and I have had increased libido the past couple of days.
I would really appreciate some input please. The first pic is yesterday's at 3pm and the second one is today at 2pm. Both 4 hour urine holds without excessive fluids. Thanks x