can they refuse a homebirth or is it really my choice?


Married Mummy Of 4 :)
Feb 25, 2011
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:nope:i really want one but cant see the medics being supportive due to previous births, this is my 4th baby and heres a break down of preious labours-

DS1- i went overdue and was induced, ended up with epidural and labour ended in forceps and ventouse, which i really believe was down to all the induction drugs/interference (this was in 2003)

DD- her labour was by far my easiest, and my only natural labour, i started getting really bad contractions suddenly at 10 days overdue, went straight to hospital (was already 8cm) had a bit of gas and air, and gave birth to her 20 mins after arriving, it was perfect but then 2 hours later they decided i was bleeding heavier than i should be and i had an op to remove some retained placenta (this was 2004)

DS2- my most traumatic, still have nightmares to this day, and i am so scared of going to hospital because of his birth it was awful, i went to see me mw for my normal appointment on my due date, she said babys heartrate was high and she wanted me to go into hospital. so off i toddle and they monitor me for an hour on the ward, decide to induce me as babies not happy and give me a pessary, that didnt work so had another later on, that brought contractions on and i was soon 5cm but i was pushing and they were telling me to stop but i couldnt my body was just doing it :cry: so they said i had to have an epidural to stop the pain from pushing at 5cm :dohh: before the epi they decided to break my waters, so im laid on bed and this woman comes in to do it and is muttering to the mw that she cant get to them but she carries on trying anyway, i was on gas and air and it felt like she was slicing my insides open and i was crying and begging her to stop and screaming and telling the mw to make her stop but she just carried on and on for what seemed like ages until they finally went :cry: then they said there was meconium in there but it was at least 48 hours old so if baby had swallowed he had swallowed basically, they didnt seem alarmed by it at all :wacko:

so i had epi and a few hours later the heart monitor just slowed down to a bum bum bum really slow and everyone panicked and i started crying and saying please dont let anything happed to my baby, but then the heartrate picked back up, i was hysterical so they shot me with pethidine which knocked me out, hubby said that they were talking about a section at this point but as the heart rate had picked back up they decided to put me on the induction drip instead and let me progress, so approx 3-4 hours after i had been put on drip i was finally fully dilated and after an hour of pushing i gave birth to my son, he was 9lb 7 and half ounce! i cried so much with relief that it was over and i couldnt hold him as i thought i was going to faint! the whole ordeal had lasted 36 hours :cry:

the midwife bought me tea and toast but i just threw up i sooo wanted to get out of there, i had him at 1:50am and i asked for the doctor to discharge us asap and he did so at 7:30am i just wanted to go home

i am terrified of going to hospital again, this was in 2008 so still quite fresh, my only easy labour was my natural which was really quick
In short, no they cant refuse you, its your choice. They may advise you strongly to consider a hospital birth but they cannot force you to agree. that said I would research into how many midwives are "home birthers" in your area because come D-Day they may conveniently be too busy and then you would have to go in anyway. I have seen a number of women on a programme called Home Birth diaries that hired private midwives because they werent supported in their wishes. Perhaps this is something else you could look into. :flower:
i got refused home birth by consultant and i wrote to head of miwfery at local hospital and she approved home birth and gave me my own midwife and it was great ,,
thanks, i would love an independant midwife but could never afford it :( i am midwife led, they havent put me consultant led, i will discuss it with her at my next appointment and hope i get somewhere, another thing is we have just moved here and our closest family is an hour away but without their own transport so i am also worried that i would have to go to hospital on my own while hubby is with the kids until family get here and if its quick like my dd then it could all be over by the time he gets there!
If yu are already mw led care then there's no reason you would even have a fight for a home birth but as the others said it really is YOUR choice. We actually have a human right to privacy and this would include the right to give birth in private ie at home. They are legally obliged to attend you and could be held accountable in they didn't.
thanks i did ask for one with my 3rd baby and the midwife made it very hard and put every obstacle in the way of why i shouldnt have one but i have moved now so hopefully my new mw will be more supportive
I've just noticed youre in Wakefield. You might like to go along to the Leeds home birth group to talk to other parents who are planning or have had home births. I'm usually there too!! You'll be able to pick peoples brains in person. It's a really busy and friendly group held in headingley. Here's the facebook page with details

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