Cant get over it...


New Member
Mar 12, 2011
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Hello, im new here. I signed up because I just cant cope any longer.

I found out I was pregnant Spring (March) 2009 and was over the moon, as we'd been trying for 7 months for baby 2. The hospital messed up about my dating scan so I was still waiting for it, but it was the Sunday night and I went to the toilet and wasnt sure if I was that exhausted I was seeing things and my other half came to the toilet and I showed him the tissue, he confirmed my thoughts and took me to hospital. I was told it was 'simply old blood' but I knew in my heart it wasnt. The doctor/midwife wrote on my notes 'after a scan to Q jump'. But gave me an appt anyway (!) the following day, we attended the appt and low and behold, our baby had no heartbeat and had been dead upto a week. I opted for natural miscarriage, our baby measured 'around' the 15 week mark (I thought I was nearly 17 weeks? Unsure!) It turned traumatic a few days later and I had to call an ambulance to rush me in, a doctor had to cut my baby away as it'd got stuck in the cervix, and I was told (by my other half) it was something no-one should ever have to see, and he never wants to see it again in his life. I recovered for 4 or 5 hours, and went on my way home. I was upset, but 'over' it. So I thought...

Anyway, we're now 2 years since I found out I was pregnant and 20 months since the day I was told my baby was dead, and had the experience of what I did. And I cry everyday over my dead baby. I comfort eat, or i'll have an alcoholic drink. I'll take it out on my other half or our son (hes 3). I'm moody, I shout and scream if someone p****s me off. If someone looks at me and I take offence to it, I come all mouthy and ask if theyve got a problem (and obviously its un-nerving for people!). I have thoughts about taking tablets and washing them down with cans of whatever I can get my mitts on and I think it'd be a weight lifted from everyone if I no longer existed. Then I suddenly snap out of it and think 'no, its not my fault I feel like this' (but it is). I just cant get over my baby, that I opted to go home and have naturally so I could bury it and have a little rockery in my garden, but it was disposed of with 'medical wastage', the doctor who performed the action on me, simply took his gloves off and took the kidney dish away so I dont even know if my baby was a boy or a girl. And its starting to damage everyone around me.

I'm at the end of my tether, I cant cope living like this much longer. We've been trying for another since, and I havent even been 1 day late.... it pains me that im not pregnant yet, that its just not happening. Im an emotional wreck. I find myself looking at my life and thinking 'whats wrong?' .... yes I carry a little extra weight for my height, but i'm loosing it, slowly but surely. My other half works, we dont claim benefits, my son is speaking very well, is advanced (to a point) for his age, my house is clean, we're a tidy quiet family. Yet I am convinced its something I/we are doing or have done. My sister is a few weeks from giving birth and i'm finding myself more and more seething, and crying. Now my other halfs cousin has just announced her pregnancy, and i'm even more mortified, atleast I can cuddle my sisters baby and treat him to nice things, I cant with her baby because she dont like me and shes rubbing it in my face every two minutes. Im a serial attention seeker (according to my better half) because I post on facebook if im upset. People ask why, I tell them, they say the usual dregs 'it gets easier' or 'im sorry chick' .... but his cousin, if I post an upset status, she posts a happy one like 'Oh I cannot wait til my baby does this' and I cant help but have horrible, terrible thoughts. I've removed this cow 3 times, its caused huge rows within the family (out-laws) because im being un-friendly etc but yeah... im sorry for posting but I feel like ive just dropped todays baggage on someone else and the weights lifted although its still there too....

Any advice? Serious advice? I've had MC'ages before and they got easier but this one is still with me, I miss my baby more and more daily, its not getting easier yet so please, any help???

A very emotional wreck excuse for a human xxxxxxxxxx
:hugs: I'm so sorry about your loss..
Its terrible how you were treated, which is probably where some of your anger is coming fom.. did u have a follow up appointment with a consultant to discuss the miscarriage?
It sounds a lot like u could use some counselling, you went thru an incredibly traumatic experience along with losing your baby, can u talk to your doctor how u feel? being refered to councelling sounds like a good idea....
Anger is a natural response after loss, but it sounds like its starting to take over your life , which is no good for u , u will alianate yourself from everyone.... i know i've pushed a lot of people away from me..:(
coming on here and talking thru how u feel will , but i do think maybe u need to see a counseller who can help u with your emotions...
i have nothing more to add to that other than to say im really sorry for your loss and the way you were treated :(
I'm so sorry for your loss and the fact you're struggling to come to terms with it.

When I lost our 1st daughter I completely withdrew from everyone. I refused to face it and just tried to carry on as normal. One day I just couldn't do it anymore and my husband made me go to the Dr. I accepted the offer of counselling and whilst I know its not for everyone, it saved my life.

It may not seem anywhere close right now, but with the right help, you can move forward and put the pain in a place that doesn't take over your life.

I hope I've not made you upset, I just wanted to tell you I know the pain you feel and it does get easier to live with. You've just got to allow yourself to grieve and move forward. Your baby will be forever in your heart and part of you and your family.

Its been nearly two years since I lost my little girl, and whilst I have been able to move forward with my life, I cannot bring myself to let her ashes go. They still sit on my dresser in my b/room. I know the time will come when I'll be ready. I sometimes sit with her on my lap and have a little cry, its all part of the long road to recovery.

Take care hun. You're welcome to pm anytime. xx :hugs:
so sorry hun this is awful for you to have to go through! i agree with babesx3 i def think some counselling is a good idea, maybe both yourself and OH should attend together. I dont really know what you could do about the way you were treated in the hospital but have you asked if they kapt anything on file like the babies sex(if it was recorded) im so sorry you didnt get your wishes respected.
I really hope you'll be ok and all the ladies here are so amazing i would never have got through losing my daughter without them!!

thinking of you, your little angel and your family xxxxxxxx
im so sorry for your loss. I wish i could say something to make it better :hugs:

One small thing, there is a way on FB to just hide certain peoples status'. so you dont have to delete her but also dont have to read her crap :-(


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