I am calling my OBGYN first thing in the morning to get an appointment to get a urine confirmation and blood test done. I got my BFP on Saturday and haven't really been showing any signs of pregnancy which is freaking me out because I've had recurrent MC and an ectopic. The scariest lack of symptoms for me is that my breasts haven't changed at all. One of the things I noticed, however, is that I had an increase in CM prior to testing. It was mostly at times when I went to the bathroom. It started out with a liquid-like consistency and was clear/white. Later it turned to an egg-white sticky consistency and then throughout the day today I haven't had much at all. Just before, however, when going to the bathroom I noticed it had changed color and it was a little more yellow than it had been previously. I know that the increased CM can be a sign of the mucus plug forming, but I'm not sure if this change in consistency is something to worry about. I've also been having on and off cramping throughout the day. Nothing major but it's still worrisome. Again, I know that some cramping, as long as it is not accompanied by bleeding, is okay. But I have gone through that before and ended up miscarrying. So I'm kind of freaking out now about the cramps and then the sudden change in consistency/color of my CM. Any advice?