Hi Everyone
Just after a bit of advice been ttc for just over 2 years. Was diagnosed with pco in November and have since had 2 rounds of clomid.
1ST round at 50 I was last scanned on day 18 and my eggs were only 12mm therefore assume I didnt ovulate.
2nd round I was put up to 100 and have been tested yesterday on day 10. There was nothing really to see on scan and I have been asked to go back on day 16 for another scan
I asked what would be the next step if no ovulation and I have been told that they dont go over 100 dose of clomid and so if no sign on day 16 I will be given no more clomid and the next step will be ovary drilling and dye test. Literally cried all the way home!
I have been reading up through out this process and have seen that some ladies needed up to 250 clomid to ovulate and were also offered metformin.
Dont know how I feel about the op of course I will do whatever is necessary but I dont feel like clomid has been given a good enough chance?
I am also not overly happy with the service I have been given feel like a number in and out as quickly as possible for the scan no advice given and I wasnt offered the blood test either last month to confirm or deny ov my cycle was 46 days so could have ov later than the day 18 I was scanned who knows! And when called up to book second cycle scan I was asked by my nurse how do I know I didnt ovulate if I didnt have a blood test .. I know they are busy and there are lots of ladies in same posisiton but I cant help but feel frustrated
What are ladies views on the op?????
Just after a bit of advice been ttc for just over 2 years. Was diagnosed with pco in November and have since had 2 rounds of clomid.
1ST round at 50 I was last scanned on day 18 and my eggs were only 12mm therefore assume I didnt ovulate.
2nd round I was put up to 100 and have been tested yesterday on day 10. There was nothing really to see on scan and I have been asked to go back on day 16 for another scan
I asked what would be the next step if no ovulation and I have been told that they dont go over 100 dose of clomid and so if no sign on day 16 I will be given no more clomid and the next step will be ovary drilling and dye test. Literally cried all the way home!
I have been reading up through out this process and have seen that some ladies needed up to 250 clomid to ovulate and were also offered metformin.
Dont know how I feel about the op of course I will do whatever is necessary but I dont feel like clomid has been given a good enough chance?
I am also not overly happy with the service I have been given feel like a number in and out as quickly as possible for the scan no advice given and I wasnt offered the blood test either last month to confirm or deny ov my cycle was 46 days so could have ov later than the day 18 I was scanned who knows! And when called up to book second cycle scan I was asked by my nurse how do I know I didnt ovulate if I didnt have a blood test .. I know they are busy and there are lots of ladies in same posisiton but I cant help but feel frustrated
What are ladies views on the op?????