Hello, I was wondering if you could help me. Fiance and I have been TTC since august.. nothing yet. I started taking folic acid on October 14th. Ovulated October 16th-22nd after a period that was 6 days late. and on that period It was very light.
on the 23rd I started spotting. thought it was implantation bleeding. took a test 5 days later, and neg. then on the 29th fiancé and I had sex and I noticed I was spotting (A really small amount of blood. almost just pink discharge) it has happened twice since. Also, it is not rough sex at all. I checked my cervix today and it was way higher than usual. and softer. it almost blended in with the walls. period is due is 3 days but don't feel anything besides mild back pain. tested again today still neg. haven't really been hungry like I usually am when period is due.. Opinions