I noticed an improvement in Joseph's food intake and being less windy almost immediately but his colic didn't disappear right away.
He was about 12 weeks old when started sleeping through but settling him was still difficult sometimes.
Baby massage and a bath about an hour before bed helped too and so did the Infracol which we got from the doctor.
He still quite a sicky windy baby but I am convinced that the Dr Brown bottles helped more than anything else did, along with the Cow and Gate Comfort Milk.
He would scream for hours before he went to sleep, usually about 11pm and then he would wake up again about 1:30am and it would be another two or three hours of screaming before he went off again and then up again by about 6:30am.
Because my husband is in the forces and was away I had nobody to help, nobody to hand him to, no break at all. Sometimes he would settle if I put him in his car seat but then I couldn't get him out without waking him and I couldn't sleep knowing he was in the seat. I don't know how many nights I went to sleep sitting proped up in the corner of the room holding him up with my arms on my knees and his shawl wrapped around him because that's the only way he would sleep.
When we started using the bottles it took us from him screaming for hours at a time down to perhaps half an hour of upset before bed every night and then only maybe three nights of the week right to me being able to put him down awake and have him be happy to watch his mobile and go to sleep without my help or with any upset by the time he was about 12 weeks old.
They were a long twelve weeks for us but I am sure without those bottles he would have been suffering for a lot longer.
I really hope your little one gets on with them and the colic settles down very soon.