First of all I would like to say I am sorry for your loss... It is a terrible thing to go through and I really feel for you...
I suffered a complete placental abruption at 37 weeks on February 7th 2008. I was suffering from high BP the last 2 months of the pregnancy and had been told many times I should be admitted but the doctor kept telling me to bed rest and relax... 2 days before Kaleb was born I was sent into L&D due to my high BP and the specialist seen me, and said since my BP lowered while in there I could go home and rest... they also said Kaleb's HR was "sleepy" but sent me home! The morning of the abruption I woke up feeling ill and knew my BP was way up as I had all the symptoms. I packed our bags and got everything ready for Kaleb to arrive through induction and we went on our way to my doctor, who was around 5 minutes from our home. at 3:11pm I felt a big gush of fluid and since I was crampy all day I thought my water had broke. I told my OH who was driving that I thought it had broke, then another gush! I said oh yes, my water broke and that is when he looked down and said "Eve it's blood"!!! We went to the doctor office as the closest hospital was 40 minutes away and I knew we needed an ambulance asap. I was examined by the doctor as we waited for the paramedics to arrive and then I was taken into the Moncton City Hospital.
Kaleb was born at 4:23pm and after 30 minutes they revived him. I wasn't able to see him until around 10pm due to me needing blood transfusions and Kaleb needing them as well as lots of other medical procedures and monitoring. When we were finally able to go into the NICU and see him he was having seizures and hooked to every machine possible. He weighed 5lbs9oz and was 19.5 inches long. He was absolutely beautiful. We held him and that is when we got the terrible shock that he was almost 100% brain dead. The doctors told us he wouldn't survive the night and if he did, he wouldn't go much further than that. He didn't cry, move, open his eyes, nothing... he wasn't there in spirit at all.

We decided to remove him from life support around 11pm and he passed away at 12:20am February 8th 2008...
Am so sorry to hear about are so brave. He is so gorgeous...