Hey Everyone! I'll try to make this as short as possible. I have a 28 day cycle (sometimes 27 and sometimes 29, but nothing crazy). On August 1st, I got my positive OPK (cycle day 11, so a little early. Im using CB Digital, so empty circle vs solid smiley face, easy to decipher so I know they were positive, I also checked the lines after to see and blaring positive). It was negative the night before and negative the day after. I dont temp yet as just starting to actively conceive. Felt pain in my left ovary, broke out etc, all signs of my ovulation. Almost a week later on August 7th, I noticed EWCM and decided to take another OPK just to check (assuming it would be negative), lo and behold, positive?! So we dtd again just to be safe, and we had bd the day before as well just for fun. Now, it gets interesting here because I am on day FOUR of positive OPKs, I've been taking 3 a day just to see and every single one has been positive. Is it normal to get a second LH surge for four days in a row?? At this rate my period "should" be over 2 weeks from now. Im going to be almost 5 days late at this rate which never happens?? Has anyone had this happen before?! Im currently 8dpo now (if I ovulated the first time). Am I really just ovulating super late in my cycle and have a second surge for 4 days now? I know its possible for the body to gear up and not actually ovulate so, really just looking for advice!