


Does anyone know which would be better the injection or the implant?
Does anyone know which would be better the injection or the implant?

I think it would be down to the individual and what pros and cons suit you best....I think the injection only lasts 3 months at a time though, i'm sure the implant is effective for as long as its in.

I will be interested to hear any opinions as i'm getting the implant next week, hopefully!
I think the implant lasts 5 years or it might be 3 - can't remember. I always thought I'd get that because then I don't have to think about it but I think as I don't know when in the future I'll want another baby, maybe it's best to stick to injections.

I think the effects on your body are meant to be quite similar. Many women say their AF stops all together but some have irregular bleeding.
i am going to do the mirena iud when my "ahem" heals....
implant last 3 years doesnt hurt getting it put in or taken out i had this before i got pregnant it stopped my period, before that i had the injection which also stopped my period and lasts 3 months. i got the injection last week earlier than advised but wanted it just incase and it was agreed by a doctor so shouldnt be any problems with getting it early. i got the injection rather than the implant because the implant gave me a few bad mood swings around my usual time of the month :s, suppose its different for everybody x
jazzy i had the implant for just under 2 years... it lasts for 3
it was great at first as i didnt have one period (didnt the whole time i had it) but i did pile on a lot of weight it is a side effect of it so just be wary.
i didnt suffer any fertility problems from it after removal, i had it removed in november for tests i had to have to donate bone marrow and i discovered i was pregnant in the december ill go as far as to say it makes you more fertile when it is removed lol.
i think the implant was great besides weight gain but everyones different.
I had the injection after DD2 was born. With the PND I was begging to be sterilised but been 23 at the time (24now) they refused. So I went on the injection. I was on it for a yr, and came off it March 07, I started bleeding Jan 08 and haven't stopped since.
It can take up to 2 yrs to come out your system fully and a lot of women then need clomid, as in my case, I'm bleeding but not ovulating.
Just a warning!
i also had wait gain problems on implant but after reading the previous post about the injection effecting fertility im slightly worried even though im not really planning on having another 1 maybe never or atleast not for a while x
There's been a lot of longer term problems with women who had the injection.
If I'd known then what I knew now I'd never have tried it (not that it worked for me anyway).
Go with the implant or the iud.
I've heard lots of good stuff about the iud and it worked for me. You just need to check the tiny tiny strings (you can't feel them unless you search for them) that hang down by your cervix to make sure it's still in place each day.
hI jazzy, hope I can help with your query. I have been on both methods, I was on the injection for about three years, which I had to go and keep getting every threee months!! A real pain in the butt ( literally!). It wasnt too bad, apart from the major mood swings at three days post injection, I was really bad for about a day, and then I was fine. Another side effect that I had was bleeding constantly on it for the first three months!! I was convinced by my nurse to persevere and it would stop, and sure enough it did. I would say the injection is for you if you remember to go back every 11 weeks and dont mind needles, it isnt pleasant getting it done, as the solution of depo is rather thick and stings quite a bit. A side effect I also had was slight increased weight gain, but then you could get this from most contraceptives.

From the injection I went straight onto the implant, this is a small rod which is implanted under the dermis of the upper arm and can be kept in for three years. The main reason I got this was because I couldnt be bothered going back and forward for injections, and I was also told that it was more gentle than the injection, and your body bounced back quicker afterwards. Insertion etc was fine, a slight small scar on the arm, adn for the first year everything was great, but in the first year I got the dreaded bleeding constantly again. I figure that this was the remains if the depo injection getting out of my system and my body needed a higher amount of progesterone to stop the bleeding. I had no alternative but to go on the mini pill as well as the implant, and thankfully this sorted the problem.I would say I felt more settled on implant than injection, but that was just me, everyone is different. Since implant removal, I am still not totally back to normal (4 months) and we are TTC, So frustrating! Anything that you put into your body I think has at least some effect. Hope this helps you, sorry it was so long!
Candice xx
Im opting for the coil i think. My pal had her wee boy a year ago next month and she took the implant. She had constant bleeding and major weight gain, now shes on the pill too before geting the implant removed in a fortnight. Everyones different a suppose.
I was had the implant but it didn't last long before adam was begging me to get it out. I am sensitive to hormone methods and i turn into an evil woman beast. when i was on the pill as a teenager my dad begged me to come off it too. I am going for the IUD this time :)

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