I have found self preservation to be the key. Because of this I have lost friends, neglected family members and have become a hermit basically, but i'm not doing this because i'm selfish or hateful, i'm just trying to protect myself. We go through enough with IF without the added stress and sadness of seeing others living the dream that we're chasing.
Facebook is the worst. Everytime I log on there, there is a new person pregnant, someone complaining about being pregnant or newborn pictures. It makes me feel physcially ill, angry, depressed and sad when I find out that yet another person is pregnant...unless they have truly struggled, then I am completely happy for them...no bitterness whatsoever.
I find it hard to handle people that get pregnant easily. I know its not their fault and they don't deserve my bitterness but its just how I feel and I can't help it.
Who I find impossible to handle are those that get pregnant easily who don't DESERVE it. Such as bad parents, druggos, people wanting baby after baby so they never have to work and the government can support them. Especially here...the government pays WAY too much to parents. You get $7000 baby bonus when the baby is born and this year, you get $1000 for every child (child xmas bonus) and if you don't make much money you get a shitload of welfare money. Hence why we have so many young, terrible mothers wanting to freeload all because the stupid bitches are fertile...why it works that way I don't know
At the end of the day, DH and I are what matters to me. We don't go to christenings, baby showers, maternal wards, kids b'day parties etc. I stay away whenever possible, but you can NEVER avoid it...Its always there...on the tv, in the supermarket etc