cracked and bleeding nipples


Lucky mummy of 2 <3
Dec 31, 2009
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Anyone have any solutions on helping with the pain? I am using lanolin constantly but they still hurt like hell. I don't want to give up feeding.

I know it's usually caused by poor latch, which I believe was the first night when we both struggled too get a proper latch. Since then she seems to have a great latch but because the cracks are already there, the stretching of the nipples is agony... Amy. aadvice?
hey! :wave:

Sorry you're in pain hun...i had the same thing, mine got that bad they bled and when Em had a face full of blood i freaked out and changed to bottles straight away, that was after a week :cry: i tried guards which were ok and gave my nipple some relief but then as soon as they felt ok, it would coe straight back once she was on it again...
Mine was down to poor latching on though...we never got it right, it was a constant painful struggle.
I'm not much use really, so i hope you get some replies, i'll be interested to see too :thumbup: me and em both had thrush too, nipple and mouth and then i ended up with mastitis so the whole thing made my first few weeks a bit strained to say the least :dohh:

Everything else alright? Xxx
Oh no! I had mastitus with Kent... That's what caused me to have to stop. I'm determined not to give up this time though. I was thinking of trying the shields just so my nipples can heal, bu5 I have heard that can mess with t latch:shrug:

I had a crack nipple which was bleeding and I brought these which were amazing As well as using these I have been using a nipple shield for the last two days and my nipple has now fully healed! I'm still using the shield and hopefully I should be able to stop using it soon.

Hope this helps xx
I got more relief from coconut oil and rubbing breastmilk on my nipple and letting it airdry. I also would nurse on one side longer (sorta like block feeding). For me, it allowed each side to get a bit of a break and allow the milk/oil to soak in and hopefully work it's magic. WARNING: It may cause your milk supply to dwindle a little if you do this. I had an oversupply so I had no problems with it.

My daughter had an awful latch from the start. I think maybe it was because she was such a small baby and just wasn't opening her mouth wide enough. It took about 2-3 weeks before she was better at it and I didn't cross my eyes in pain nor dread feeding her. I had cracked, blistered and bleeding nipples and was miserable :cry: I completely understand what you're going through. :hugs:

Hang in there, it'll get better :flower:
Thanks .so much for your replies ladies. I alternate boobs each feed but sometimes she feeds so often that they don't really get a rest.

Dec23. - thanks for sharing the link. I shall be looking for them tomorrow. How do you use them? Before or after feeding? Also, how are you gettng on with thr shields? Do they affect your milk supply or baby's latch? Im worried that if I was to use them (even if just on the one boob ) That it might cause my milk supply to slow down or even for LO to loose the good latch that she has now. Because it seems she has a good latch now, two different mws have commented in her having a good latch. But because the damage is already there its not giving them a chance to heal.

I really don't want to have to stop bf... im determined go make it through this, but the pain is so bad when she goes on :(
Make sure baby doesn't have thrush which can cause very sore and cracked nipples.
A friend of mine swears by putting a frozen cabbage leaf into her bra between feeds to soothe the pain x
How do I know if baby has thrush?

I might have to give the cabbage leaf a try, thank you!
White patches on baby's tongue, roof or cheeks. It looks like cottage cheese. And when you try to rub it off with cotton it doesn't come off, whereas milk residue does.
That's what I'm dealing with :( I have an appt tuesday.
I was recommended to use nipple shields at the hospital cos LO couldn't latch at all on one side, but she had an okay (not great) latch on the other. When I started using the shield on the difficult side she wouldn't latch on the easier side anymore. Now I use them for both sides, and I am attempting to wean it is a long process for me and I don't see it happening very soon as LO gets very frustrated if she knows she's on my boob and can't latch. I don't want her to associate frustration with feeding. I also did have cracked and bleeding nipples in the first few days and the pain was still too much.

I guess what I'm trying to say, I really wish we could have tried harder to fix my lo's latch and not use nipple shields.

Would be better if you could try managing the pain in other ways and avoid the shields. It will get better!
aww i really hope it isnt thrush! Em had it so bad, the whole of her mouth, throat, tongue was took 4 courses of treatment to get rid...i had a bleed when she was 10days old and had to go to hospital so whilst i was there, i mentioned it and the paediatrician looked at it and said it was the worst he'd seen (she was halfway through her 2nd course of treatment by then) but he wouldnt do anything coz i was the patient and not emily, so after spending all day in hosp with me i then had to go to the walk in centre to get a different treatment for ems thrush :dohh: that was a long day.... It didnt bother her though, as bad as it was, she still continued to feed and wasnt fussy or showing any discomfort xx
I only used the nipple shield for 1 day just to let my crack nipple heal. I also used those wipes at the same time as the shields. Those things from boots are kinda like wipes but you can leave them on the breast in between feeds. They are amazing and when you put them on it's like a cooling feeling on the nipple. I wouldn't recommend using the shields for too long either because I think they do restrict the milk flow for baby and your supply, hence why I only used them for a day. Good luck xx
Thanks for all the advice ladies. After two days and nights of agonising latching where I would
be crying and wincing in pain. I've decided to use a nipple shield on my worse boob (where I practically can not put her on because of pain.. Even though she's would happily go on) and just feed her normally on the other boob. I'm terrified using it would mess up my milk supply or her laatch but its either that or stop breastfeeding.... Which I really don't want to do. I'm hoping that because I'm only using it on the one boob that it shouldn't confuse her latch. It anything, she latched better onto the better boob after using the shield.

I don't think its thrush, she shows no signs of it in her mouth.
I will try and latch her onto the boob that ive been using the shield, without the shield tonight. Fingers crossed this temporary fix won't cause problems for us.

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