Damien's birth story! induced at 10 days


mother of 1
Oct 28, 2009
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Hi ladies well I had a little boy on 8th March 2010 at 17.07 weighing 9lb 3oz, named him Damien.:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

Birth Story - sorry bit long!

I went into hospital on Monday 8th March at 7.00am to be induced as I was 10 days overdue, we were told as I had a bishops score of 6 from my stretch and sweep they were going to try and break my waters straight away. We had to wait around for about an hour then I was examined at around 8.00am fully expecting to have my waters broken. Unfortunately they could not reach them as I was only 1-2 cm dilated and my cervix was still really long so instead they inserted some Prostaglandin gel to soften my cervix a bit more, after this I had to lie on my side for half hour for the gel to soak in. I was then told to try and wander around and stay upright to encourage labour to start untill my next examination at 2.00pm . I started having mild contractions at around 9.00am which were bearable and managed to breath through they were pretty regular about every 5-10 minutes lasting around a minute each. Then nothing much changed untill 2.00pm when I was then told they would try again to break my waters, I was examinied by a midwife who said that I had to have a doctor break my waters as my babies head was not engaged and could be pushed out of my pelvis and they did not want the babies ambilical cord to slip down below the babies head.

They eventually managed to pop them at around 2.45pm (OUCH) this was quite painful.
Things then went fairly quickly from here, contractions got very strong almost straight away and I asked for gas and air (amazing when you first start using it) and I had about 2 hours of very strong painful contractions coming every 2-3 mins lasting about 90 secs each. I found sitting up with my legs crossed leaning forward most comfy with my sil rubbing my back with each contraction. Most of the pain from my contractions was in my back as lo was back to back. At around 4.30pm I was getting the urge to push but when examined was told I was only 9cm so had to lay on my side which seemed to help and by 4.45pm was told to start pushing. This was the best part for me the pain seemed not so strong now as I was so excited about meeting my lo and at 17.07 my gorgeous little boy was delivered straight on to my chest and hubby cut his cord I was so happy he was a boy as I know hubby really wanted a boy. I was so happy with everything up to this point and Damien latched straight on to my breast for his first feed.

Unfortunately this is were things went bad after delivering the placenta I did not stop bleeding (poor dh looked so worried and had to sit down at the sight of all the blood) and was told that would have to go to theatre and have a spinal block to stop the bleed was gutted as managed the whole thing up to know with just gas and air and really really did not want any drugs. I told dh to stay with lo as he does not like needles and was told would be no longer than an hour. so went off to theatre on my own around 6.30pm absolutely petrified lucikly the lovely midwife who I had throughout labour who delivered Damien came with me and was really fantastic calming me down. The spinal was no where near as painful as I had thought I think just the thought of it and the fact they say DONT MOVE or you may be paralysed scares you the most. The whole operation was very sureal not being able to feel anything but pressure and pulling and being able to see my legs and tummy but not feel them was the strangest thing ever. the operation took longer than expected and I didnt come out of theatre until gone 8.30pm hubby said that this was the longest, scariest 2 hours of his life he kept thinking I was going to bleed to death bless him, this thought hadnt even crossed my mind I was just thinking about how long till I could hold them both missing them like mad. Any way it all went well and the bleeding was stopped I had lost over a litre in blood! I was sad when hubby left at 9.00pm :-( as he wanted to pick up our daughter before she fall asleep at nannys as he didnt want to spend the night at home on his own. This was the longest night of my life after 4 hours I started to get some feeling back in my tummy and man the pain!!! I had to have injections to make me contract to help stop the bleeding in theatre and the pain was as bad as intense labour however seemed worse as I could not actually move to get comfy, had to have morphine in the end :-( so much for no drugs. Did not sleep a wink all night. Was so happy when 10.00am came and dh came in with dd to meet her new baby brother she loved him and was such a special moment when she held him for the first time was gutted when I had to stay in hospital another night again with no sleep due to another baby in my room who did nothing but cry all night the poor mum said she felt so guilty as my little man slept through good as gold (and the smoke alarm went off at 5.00am due to burnt toast and they could not turn it off for half hour). Eventually was allowed home on Wednesday night was a bit annoyed at the hosital as they lost my blood test and had to stab me another 6 times to get some more (my body really had had enough and didnt want to give any more) before the would let me home.

Now home and on the mend will have to take tablets for 3 months to get my hb levels back up but at least I didn't need a blood transfusion. Damien is now 2 weeks old feeding great and growing so fast was weighed at 8 days old and was 9lb 9oz put on a whooping 6 oz which is fantastic for a breastfed baby they normally lose weight before they put it on lol and now some piccies:

Just born

With proud big sister

2 weeks old

congratulations he is adorable x poor Dh he must have been beside himself with worry for you, glad you are on the mend.
Congratulations hun, he is adorable x

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