De-Sats and Neo puffed EVERYDAY!!??


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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Hi all.

Evie was born on 22nd December 2010 at 27 + 2 weeks. She weighed 2lb 7.5oz. After 19 days she is now at 2lb 9oz after losing some weight initially.

After 5 days she was off the ventilator breathing on her own and doing really well!! After about 12-14 days she started getting so tired she stopped breathing so they put her on pressure assisted cpap. Her sats keep going down and then about 3 times a day she stops breathing and her heart rate goes right down and they have to neo puff her to resusitate her back.

I'm so frightened for her and the nurses are so calm as they deal with this everyday but has anyone else out there gone through this as i really need some reassurance that this is normal and she will get through this?

Claire xxx
Hey mrs,

Congratulations on the birth of your very own wee miracle!!

didnt want to read and run, im not sure about the neopuff bit but im sure someone will have experience of it, the desats and heart rate dropping are relatively normal dear and will probably continue for a time yet and then all of a sudden one day they stop.

If the nurses appear calm and they are not telling you there is any need to worry (any more than you already are!) then I wouldnt worry. If they were concerned about her breathing at all or thought she was too tired to do it herself then I am sure they would have reventilated her by now so the fact she is still on CPAP means she is doing fab! The way it was explained to us is that they shouldnt even be breathing on their own yet so when they are born early they do really well to breathe on their own its just that sometimes they forget they have to breathe and need a wee bit help to get going again.

Keep strong dear. xxx
I assume when you say neo puffed, it means they have to hold the oxygen tube right under the nose to give a boost in the O2 levels?? Sorry if I have that wrong, but that was really the only kind of extra assistance we had while he was on CPAP.

If it is the same sort of thing, then I wouldn't be too concerned. It appears as thought the nurses aren't concerned, and I am sure they would show something if it was a matter that was really worrisome.

You know, they aren't supposed to be here or breathing yet, so they can get tired, and they also lack the ability to regulate all of their bodily functions at the same time, so yeah, sometimes breathing is just 'forgotten' about. But that's why they are on monitors and the nurses can step in and give assistance to get them up and going again.

I mean, this was a regular occurrence for Greg. He was only respirated for 3 days I think, before he extubated himself by pulling his tubes out. So they decided to try him on CPAP, which worked good. But he still had desats and brady's, and he would go off colour a bit. And sometimes a little flick, or a tap on the leg or something, would be enough to bring him back up and make him remember to breathe. Sometimes the nurses had to resort to smacking him on the back... and when that didn't work, they put the O2 tube right under his nose to give him that Oxygen boost.

He did that right up until he was about 36-37 weeks gestation. I mean, he was in until 3 weeks after his due date because he would still have mild desats, and they wouldn't send him home if he was even desatting a teensy bit, and here, they don't send babies home on Oxygen or feeding tubes or anything.

So yeah, this can go on for a bit, but I wouldn't be too worried unless they have to reintubate her or unless the nurses seem really concerned.
Firstly congratulations on your little girl.

I have no experience of what you describe I'm afraid. My son was born later and although he had a few days on CPAP, he never stopped breathing on it, although I know this is quite common.

I just wanted to send you lots of hugs and I hope that she is better soon and you can bring her home. It is such a stressful time and it doesn't matter how many people tell you not to worry, of course you can't help but be scared by it all.
(hugs Hun)

I know Alex had a few neo puff stints and like your LO she was a good weight for a 27 weeker. I never understood the neo puff, everything was hazy in the early days.

If the nurses are calm and not making a deal of it, dont panic. But honestly, ask them about the neopuff, and how concerned you should be. They should be happy to explain, afte all, it's your baby! :D

And of course......congrats!
Congratsulations on your little girl.

I remember only too well Harry desatting and having bradies and needing to be neopuffed, was a vry daily occurance for Harry, even worse when he was feeding to the point i would only feeed him if a nurse was next to me! It does get better as they get older i promise xx
Thanks everyone for your replies. She has had a good day today, still desatting a couple of times. She's having a blood transfusion tonight as her haemoglobin is low and they hope this will help her oxygen in her blood.

She also has PDA and they may give her some treatment to close the duct and that may also help.


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